Tag: Editorials

Access for student journalists a right

Media access for student journalists shouldn’t be considered a privilege—or a novelty. It’s a right.  Earlier this month, The Journal reported on attending a Doug Ford press conference despite initially being told by one of his staffers there wouldn’t be one.  The Premier-designate made two Kingston...

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Darts & laurels 2017-18

Darts BISC fiscal problems: Even though Queen’s has tried to increase enrollment at the BISC for years, they’ve consistently failed to reach their targets. On top of this, the UK Charity Commission’s annual reports showed that Queen’s satellite campus has faced persistent challenges to being profitable....

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Advice from alumni can only benefit current students

University marketing is always going to be focused on the goal of selling an education. If alumni and students were given the chance to talk to each other, it could open up a more honest and blunt conversation that could end up being both positive and constructive.   During the most stressful points...

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Liberal arts programs need to be protected at universities

It shouldn’t take students launching a protest for universities to recognize there’s more value in studying liberal arts than pennies and dimes.  At the University of Wisconsin at Steven’s Point, the school’s administration has proposed they drop 13 majors in the humanities and social sciences so...

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Ontario sex-ed curriculum needs to stay

For any other school subject, we look to academics and experts to explain what children should be learning. Biological health shouldn’t be any different. In 2015, the sex-ed curriculum in place across Ontario was updated by the Liberal government for the first time in almost 20 years. Kids’ lessons...

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Patient abuse needs to be in focus at medical schools

Currently, Canadian medical schools are taking a step in the right direction by trying to incorporate how doctors should interact with their patients into the curriculum. Despite this, there needs to be more of a focus on teaching medical students to recognise inappropriate behaviour in their colleagues...

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Campbell’s comments are out of touch with modern feminism

In the past, Kim Campbell very much represented the way forward for women in Canada and continues to hold influence across the country to this day. Unfortunately, many of her ideas, such as how women should dress, haven’t aged quite as well.  Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell recently admonished...

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Queen’s needs freedom of expression guidelines

We can’t wait for an unsafe situation to unfold before we attempt to prevent one.   McMaster is in the process of creating a set of guidelines towards protest and free speech on their campus. This guideline seeks to provide a clear set of rules for acceptable ways for students to express dissent with...

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We don’t need ‘Lady-Friendly’ Doritos

In a time where gender inequality is in sharp focus, it’s ridiculous of the CEO of Pepsi-Co, Indra Nooyi, to propose women need a different kind of chip to appeal to them.  In a Freakonomics interview that has since gone viral, Nooyi alluded to the possibility of Pepsi-Co, which owns Doritos, to create...

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Education on the Canadian marijuana industry is necessary

With marijuana legalization coming in July, post-secondary institutions are rising to the challenge of providing education about the industry to Canadians.  New courses are popping up in Canadian universities and colleges that seek to provide industry-specific knowledge on the marijuana industry to...

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'O Canada' lyric change is necessary for positive progress

It’s essential that, as a country, we’re able to re-evaluate who we are as time goes on. When the national anthem no longer reflects a nation, it makes perfect sense for it to be changed.  The House of Commons recently passed a private member’s bill from 2016 that will alter the national anthem. Instead...

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Sports teams need to be held accountable for racism

It’s tempting to see the Cleveland Indians taking the infamous Chief Wahoo logo off their uniforms as a job well done, but the minimal gesture shouldn’t deserve anything more than minimal phrase.  Not only will the logo continue to exist for the foreseeable future on Cleveland Indians merchandise,...

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USATs need reforms to have a real impact on teaching

Even though everyone is expected to fill out USATs at the end of the semester, what students might not know is how much of an impact these single pieces of paper can have on their professors.  The debate surrounding whether or not the USATs present fair evaluations of instructors has been around since...

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Protecting students should be more of a priority

Sexual violence comes in many forms. Just because one may appear to be more severe than others doesn’t mean those others can be allowed. When it comes to teachers sexually abusing students, current Ontario policies aren’t aligned with this argument.  The Protecting Students Act previously only encompassed...

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We can’t settle for less with Team ECN

We can’t be lenient on supporting student politicians that don’t meet our expectations, even when there’s no alternative. We need to expect better.  In a 19-0 vote with one abstention, The Journal Editorial Board voted to not endorse Team ECN for the 2018-19 AMS executive. Team ECN, comprised of Emily...

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Respecting reproductive rights isn’t a matter of opinion

The basic rights of Canadians, even those that may conflict with someone’s personal opinions, need to be respected in any workplace. Asking any employer seeking government funding to agree to uphold these rights is something to be expected, not protested.  A new change to the Canada Summer Jobs grant...

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Amnesty for pot possession needs a plan

As we rapidly approach marijuana legalization, the government has yet to explain how they’ll tackle the organizational nightmare that comes with granting amnesty to those convicted of simple possession and other pot-related crimes.  Tens of thousands of Canadians have criminal records due to convictions...

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Wronged students have a right to sue their schools

One student’s 11-million-dollar claim against a university may seem clownish at first glance. However, behind the cartoonish sum is a surprisingly credible argument for a student’s right to an education. This case could inspire more students to sue their schools for failing to educate them, and that...

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Local news deserves to survive

With the rise of digital media, print-first newspapers have very quickly become unprofitable. However, it’s important to remember a small local paper’s primary function isn’t to make money; it’s to put a microscope on a specific community and hold local officials accountable.  On Monday, Torstar Corp....

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Discouraging discussion is no way to protect free speech

Freedom of speech and the preservation of educational discourse are things that need to be protected on university campuses. However, this protection won’t come about by promoting fear and intimidation.   According to an article in The Toronto Star, University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson...

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It’s up to news media to curb sexist language in reporting

Despite holding the position of Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Ottawa Centre Liberal MP Catherine McKenna has been given the name “Climate Barbie” on social media by other government officials and news organizations. Last Friday, she took a moment to address a Rebel Media reporter...

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