Tag: Europe

Anti-immigrant group should be condemned

Gilad Streiner, ArtSci ’16 Voices of intolerance are growing louder in Germany. A grassroots, anti-immigration organization founded in the predominantly white province of Saxony and known as Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) is quickly gaining momentum. PEGIDA-organized...

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Exchange Diaries: Through Maple Leaf Coloured Glasses

By Cole Meagher (ArtSci ’14) Contributor I have officially been living in Scotland for one month. While it feels like I’ve been here for quite some time, in reality this will only be a small portion of my exchange duration. Nevertheless, I have experienced a lot thus far and have come to appreciate...

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Exchange Diaries: Photo Diary Of Edinburgh

By Cole Meagher (ArtSci ‘ 14) Contributor It’s been a busy week for me here in Glasgow meeting new people, getting to know the area and getting into school mode; however I did manage to take some photos of my trip to Edinburgh from this past weekend. Enjoy! The first is looking out from the...

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Exchange Diaries: From Paris To London

By David Kong (Comm ’14) Contributor London is the New York City of Europe. Europeans go there expecting skyscrapers and roaring cars on the wrong side of the road. Hyde Park might be Central Park and Canary Wharf might be Wall Street. But this comparison belittles New York and sullies London. Instead,...

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Exchange Diaries: A Visit To London

By Cole Meagher (ArtSci ’14) Contributor I decided to do a bit of travelling this past weekend and took a trip to ‘Foggy ol London’. It was a bit of a spur of the moment thing, and I took the redeye bus down from Glasgow to London to visit Stonehenge with a buddy and then explore London solo. I got...

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Exchange Diaries: First Impressions of Glasgow

By Cole Meagher (ArtSci ‘ 14) Contributor When asked why I chose to go on exchange by my friends or family, for the longest time I didn’t know what to say. I usually gave a standard response about the beauty of Europe, the opportunity for a unique experience, and that it might just very well be a...

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