Tag: Exchange diaries

Reflecting on a month of studying abroad

The start of a semester abroad is dominated by a mix of excitement and anxiety. Many Queen’s students will soon experience that when they receive their exchange acceptances and become filled with questions about their journeys overseas.  I’ve been on exchange at the University of Oslo (UiO) in Norway...

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Exchange misadventures

Alan Wren: Maastricht, Netherlands | Lara Liebovitz: Milan, Italy | Chloe Chan: Aarhus, Denmark | Spencer Belyea: Edinburgh, Scotland A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS  Traveler: Alan Wren Abroad in: Maastricht, Netherlands Comm ’17 It all started on what was supposed to be a quiet final Saturday night...

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Lost in translation

Picture yourself out to dinner with a friend — a pretty standard situation, right? Now substitute a typical dinnertime for 10 p.m. and a friend for your new roommate who you’ve just met. You’re in a foreign country and don’t speak a lick of the language. Cue panic. Welcome to exchange. It was my first...

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Farewell to the BISC

As I prepare for the last week of classes at the castle, I find it hard to focus on writing my final essays and studying for exams. When I leave the BISC, it won’t just be the school that I’ll miss. Sitting in my windowsill and staring out at the English countryside on this first day of spring, I...

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Exchange diaries: In love with Australia

I didn’t have a date, but Valentine’s Day last year was one of the most memorable days of my life. It’s when I found out about my semester-long dalliance with Australian National University (ANU). I’ve always been in love with Australia from afar. The sunny skies, the magical beaches and the charming...

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Exchange Diaries Edinburgh: Back to reality

I’m definitely suffering from exchange withdrawal. It’s been just over a month since I landed back in Canada from my seven months abroad in Edinburgh. Like many returned exchange students, I wish I could turn back time. Since I spent the winter holidays abroad and returned just before second semester...

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Exchange Diaries Edinburgh: New Year’s Eve in London

Styna Tao was in Edinburgh on exchange this fall. She’s be sharing her experiences every three weeks as a regular contributor to Lifestyle. As the crowd chanted the New Year’s Eve countdown, I looked all around me to take in the moment. I’m sitting on a railing on Tower Bridge, an iconic London landmark,...

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Exchange diaries Edinburgh: A very Nice vacation

Styna Tao is in Edinburgh on exchange this fall. She’ll be sharing her experiences every three weeks as a regular contributor to Lifestyle. Week six of my term at the University of Edinburgh was a week for Honours Business students to take seminars and work on their graduation dissertation. But as...

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Exchange diaries Edinburgh: Learning to love the city

Styna Tao is in Edinburgh on exchange this fall. She’ll be sharing her experiences every three weeks as a regular contributor to Lifestyle. I arrived in Edinburgh on a damp Saturday evening. I came out of the train station to a city shrouded in mist and fog and dragged my suitcase up hills and cobble...

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Exchange diaries Barbados: Easing into exchange life

Julia Mitchell is in Barbados on exchange this year. She’ll be sharing her experiences every three weeks as a regular contributor to Lifestyle. Over the past month, I’ve settled into somewhat of a new routine here at my new home at the University of the West Indies in Barbados. Exchange has proven...

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Exchange diaries Paris: Culture shock

Victoria Musial is in Paris on exchange this year. She’ll be sharing her experiences every three weeks as a regular contributor to Lifestyle. When Netflix recently launched in France, angry French citizens worried that it would Americanize their television and film industries. Clearly, the French...

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Exchange diaries London: The British life

Through the recommendation of a friend and some rushed visa paperwork, I got the chance to live and work in London this summer as a reservations and reception assistant in a bed and breakfast. Working in the tourism and hospitality sector in a foreign city means I’m both tour guide and tourist at...

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Exchange diaries Paris: From quiet Kingston to populous Paris

As I sat in my seat waiting for the plane to take off, reality sank in. “I am spending two semesters abroad in Paris,” I thought as passengers shuffled past me to their seats. Soon, the plane began to make its way down the runway, with the safety video playing on the small screen in front of me....

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Exchange Diaries: A vegetarian in Hong Kong

For those who don’t know me, I’m a vegetarian. My maternal grandfather, who I’ve never met before, became a vegetarian in the name of animal rights during a time when the animal rights movement wasn’t as prevalent as it is today. Therefore, my mother was raised a vegetarian from day one, which led...

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Exchange Diaries: Learning the local culture

Chloe Grande is in France on exchange for the upcoming year. She will be sharing her experience as a regular contributor for QJBlogs. Before I left, a typical conversation about my exchange to Lyon usually involved me repeating the name of the city several times and a lot of blank stares. I’d say...

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Exchange Diaries: Leaving for Lyon

Chloe Grande is in France on exchange for the upcoming year. She will be sharing her experience as a regular contributor for QJBlogs. In four months I will return from Lyon, France as a fluent French-speaking, love-struck and slightly heavier version of myself. Or so I’ve been told. Although my...

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