Tag: exhibit

Animal illustrations tell human stories

From June 19 to July 14 at Studio 22,  author and illustrator Wallace Edwards is displaying his creative process as a cycle of ups and downs, propelled by his boundless energy to brainstorm ideas.  Edwards’ exhibit is a lesson: when we deliberately look beyond the surface of art, we may be inspired...

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Mixed up in Pot-Pourri

Tucked away in the offices of Queen’s Department of Cultural Studies is the experimental art space and lounge called “Pot-Pourri: A Collegiate Exhibition” in Mac-Correy B176. The curatorial project was co-founded by Cultural Studies PhD Student Stéfy McKnight and Michelle Smith and Candidate. Pot-Pourri,...

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Winter light show illuminates Kingston

Winter can be a gloomy time for most, especially with second semester picking up, but Lumina Borealis is dedicated to reigniting the winter spirit. Located at the historic Fort Henry, Lumina Borealis is a winter-themed night walk that paints the 19th-century brick walls into an enchanted and magical...

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A thought-provoking bookshelf

We all know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but can you judge its author?  Union Gallery’s off-site project, Union Gallery Bookshelf Selection Project, curated by fourth-year history student Christopher Grant, asks a similar question.   The project is visually underwhelming; a locked bookshelf...

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Off the walls, Ciara Phillips: Comrade Objects

Immediately struck by the otherworldly feel of the minimalist design and blood red pattern painted on the walls, Ciara Phillips: Comrade Objects had me questioning whether I had stepped back in time.  The exhibition showcases a fifteen-piece collection that occupies several rooms, tucked in the back...

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Lost in living glass at Dale Chihuly’s Toronto exhibit

The other week, I found myself gawking at glass.  This wasn’t just any glass — they were massive, intensely-coloured, blown glass objects at the CHIHULY exhibit in the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).  Dale Chihuly is an American glassblower known for his large scale and otherworldly architectural installations....

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The making of a gallery

Take a moment and try to calculate the number of hours you’ve spent in Stauffer during your time at Queen’s. Likely you’re in the triple digits.  With all those hours tabulated, consider the fact that they were all spent a mere 30 seconds away from a vibrant public art gallery with free admission....

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Seven photos by seven artists

In a photograph, the world appears to have stopped.  But in reality, people and objects on the other side of the lens continue to move.    It’s a sense of motion — often lost in still photographs — that connects the wide range of photographs displayed in Raymond Vos’s “7 x 7” exhibit.    This is the...

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Dream-like photography

In Lorna Bauer’s photography collection, Soleil, simplicity trumps complexity. The exhibit opened to the public at Modern Fuel artist run gallery on March 7 and boasts over 10 photographs that complement each other in unusual ways. As I looked at the hyper-realistic photos, I felt nostalgic — I was...

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Rembrandt’s impact

Artists in Amsterdam is a startling visual portrayal of the myriad of influences that shaped the art culture in the city beloved by Rembrandt. Viewed together at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC), the pieces in this exhibit effectively embody the socio-cultural evolution that took place in Amsterdam...

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Cultural harmony

The Justin and Elisabeth Lang Collection of African Art is an eye-opening arrangement of masks, statues and photographs that capture the diversity of African cultures. The art works, showcased at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC), is a small sampling from the original collection, which includes...

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Landscape visions

“Go to Nature in all her singleness of heart … rejecting nothing, selecting nothing and scorning nothing; rejoicing always in the truth.” This quotation by influential English 19th-century art critic John Ruskin is printed adjacent to the artwork on the walls of Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC)....

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Art and nature

Nestled within the walls of the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, “I Hope Humanity…” is a meaningful exhibition that makes a sobering point about humanity’s destructive impact on the global environment. The collection includes abstract art pieces, oil paintings, and embroidered tapestry among other forms...

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A diverse collection of works

Studio 22 Open Gallery always displays and encourages innovative and unusual artwork in their space on King Street East. Since Dec. 6, the studio has been featuring the work of 29 artists in The Open Collection event. The event leaves out no dimension of artistic mediums. It displays oil and watercolour...

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Nature meets fantasy

With a particular focus on nature, fairy tales and the secrecy of the human mind, artist Rebecca Cowan’s series Nymphs – New Works in Mixed Media is the epitome of thought-provoking art. Although at first glance the artwork – located at Studio 22 in downtown Kingston – looks painted,...

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A study in static time

There aren’t many people who would be interested in an art exhibit that demands knowing every nuance of the art world. Masters of Time: European Paintings from the Permanent Collection, an exhibit at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC), is not one of those exhibits. The collection attempts to...

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A quiet crisis

Urbanization has shaped the course of human interaction, plaguing society with a sense of emptiness and lack of interpersonal contact. Déjà déjà visité, meaning “already been visited,” combines the works of artists Mike Bayne, Jocelyn Purdie and Maayke Schurer at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC)...

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The gift of artistic diversity

As someone without much Canadian art background, A Canadian Collection: The Soloway Gift was a welcome introduction. The exhibit was inspired by Ruth Soloway’s impressive 2012 donation, which included 61 paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints. While not all of these artworks are on display, the...

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