Tag: Federal elections

Democracy is never ‘first past the post’

We supposedly live in a representative democracy. Yet in 2011, a party that only 39.6 per cent of the electorate voted for took majority control of Parliament. The reason for this is our current voting system: first past the post (FPTP). Under this system, the candidate who receives the most votes...

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Western Canada is left behind in federal politics

The Canadian federal election in October shed some much-needed light on important aspects of our nation’s political climate that are still going unaddressed. One of these notable outcomes was the plight of Western Canada, which was visible in the election results coming from Alberta and Saskatchewan. Of...

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Identity shapes values, making the political personal

Election season in an (unofficially) two-party democracy is always nerve-wracking. The argument constantly resurfaces over which party leader is stronger, or even the lesser of two evils. Political rhetoric thrives on duality. Even election issues themselves seem to be often broken down into two categories:...

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At panel discussion, Queen’s experts talk federal election issues

Leading up to the federal election on Oct. 21, Queen’s School of Policy Studies is hosting a series of roundtable discussions featuring four experts on topics including domestic policy, migration, and foreign policy. Moderated by Christian Leuprecht, a professor at the Royal Military College of Canada...

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Federal Conservatives’ anti-university attitude won’t fly

When politicians target universities, they diminish hard-working students and professors sharing knowledge and curiosity—not some imagined intellectual elite.    However, it appears the Conservative Party of Canada hasn’t realized that quite yet.   Last week, the Conservative Party distributed flyers...

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Updated: Gerretsen wins by landslide

Last updated: Oct. 23 at 8:00 a.m. After 78 days of campaigning, Liberal candidate Mark Gerretsen has been declared the Member of Parliament to represent Kingston and the Islands in Ottawa. Gerretsen, Kingston’s mayor from 2010 to 2014, was born and raised in Kingston. He’s served in municipal politics...

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Queen's hosts debate for Kingston and the Islands MP candidates

All five federal MP candidates for Kingston and the Islands — Conservative Andy Brooke, Green Nathan Townend, Liberal Mark Gerretsen, Libertarian Luke McAllister and NDP Daniel Beals — took to the podium in Grant Hall to debate student-centric issues Thursday night.  The event, jointly hosted by the...

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A guide to voting in the federal election

They say the first time’s always special.  Voting in your first federal election can be nerve-racking, and many young voters in Canada inevitably question whether their vote will make a difference. But no matter what riding you live in, every vote counts. If you’re 18 and a Canadian citizen, you can...

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Go vote

The other day, I used CBC’s Vote Compass to see which Canadian political party I’m most compatible with. To my surprise, I was told that my views were most similar to those of the Greens, a party I hadn’t really considered voting for before. Other people I’ve talked to were given similarly surprising...

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