Tag: Fitness

How to keep your fitness resolutions at Queen’s

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions for students is exercise—and it can make January daunting for ARC first-timers and regulars, who can intimidate or irritate each other. Here are some tips to help you survive the recent influx of gym goers, whether you’re a beginner or veteran. For the...

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ARC clothing policy values female appearance over comfort

Uneven enforcement of an unjustified rule restricting women’s clothing choice is disappointing—but not surprising.  An Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC) employee recently told a young woman her workout attire was “indecent” due to an inch of midriff showing between her sports bra and high-waisted...

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How to go to the gym and not be afraid of scary gym people

One of my goals when I came to Queen’s was to get in better shape. I knew, going into it, that this was going be difficult to achieve, but what I didn’t know was that the most difficult part of my journey would simply be making it to the gym. On my first trip to the ARC, I found myself surrounded...

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My week using a fitness tracker

As someone who occasionally polishes off family-sized bags of chips without help, spending a week tracking what I ate wasn’t something I was looking forward to.  I started this fitness app challenge with the goal of finding motivation to eat better and exercise and I found the cons outweighed the...

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A beginner’s guide to strength training

So you want to get big and strong? It’s a simple process: lift, eat well, rest and repeat. Continue this routine for approximately four years or so and you’ll be golden.  While this may seem a little intimidating, if there’s one key to success in the gym, it’s consistency. Each training session is...

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Letter to the editor: February 2

Dear Editor, In the Jan. 22 article titled, “Strong isn’t the new skinny,” Kate Meagher discussed the shift in social media’s celebration of seemingly rake-thin Victoria Secret models toward strong and healthy women — a shift propelled by the hashtag #fitspiration, and a shift Meagher deemed a façade,...

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Strong isn’t the new skinny

If you want to believe the Instagram posts, it’s finally hot for girls to be athletic. It’s sexy to squat. It’s hip to be fit. Except it isn’t. Recently, a trend towards the celebration of fitness has arisen on social media, like a phoenix from the ashes of super skinny models of days gone by. This...

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Falling head over heels for anti-gravity yoga

I never truly experienced yoga until I tried it upside down. Initially, I imagined yoga as someone sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position, deeply om-ing while their face rests in an expression of complete inner peace and tranquility.  Never did I imagine someone yelping and hanging in mid-air...

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Everyday workouts by Varsity athletes

It’s no secret that Queen’s has some talented athletes on campus. But while we see them during games and races, we rarely see their day-to-day training — which is what makes up the bulk of the experience of being a varsity athlete. So, I asked three Queen’s athletes to tell us their favourite workout...

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How to be your own masseuse

Who doesn’t love a good massage? The candles, the sensual lighting and the zen waterfall music that every single spa seems to play — it’s relaxing just thinking about it. Unfortunately, us university students have a slim budget and, let’s face it, can’t afford to hit up a spa for a weekly massage...

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ARC schedules invite complaints

Following recent complaints regarding the ARC’s Lifting Zone, Queen’s Athletics and Recreation has altered its schedule to provide more open time slots. At the beginning of the fall term, a schedule was posted on the lifting zone that blocked out times into three categories: open, reserved and for...

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The balancing act of self-love and healthy living

When it comes to body image, we’re told to either embrace our curves or shave off a couple of pounds to reach our health goals. While it’s hard to commit to one movement, I found a happy medium between both: practicing self-love while leading a healthy lifestyle. Traditionally, we believe skinny is...

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QJ Health: The side effects of sitting

You won’t want to sit down when I tell you the latest health scare, because that’s exactly the problem — sitting. This unhealthy habit hits close to home for university students who spend many hours a day sitting in lectures or studying at the library. According to an Oct. 2014 report by The Conference...

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QJ Health: The flaw in #fitspo

There’s a fitness phenomenon taking place at the Queen’s ARC. As a frequent exerciser and avid people watcher, I love the gym — or at least most things about the gym. I dislike thinking about the amount of sweat that has been absorbed by the mat that I’m using and I’ll never enjoy burpees. Yet this...

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Fitness and health apps

Our mobile apps are getting us places where we’re both de-stressed and in better shape. Who’s to say technology can’t improve our lives with mobile apps that can better our calorie estimates and help improve our fitness performance? We may be nearing the end of the term, but these standout...

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By Trilby Goouch Blogs Editor I committed to a Groupon exercise package over the holidays that introduced me to Tabata training, a method that I’ve found to be effective, efficient and surprisingly enjoyable. Tabata training is based on high intensity training (as opposed to something like jogging,...

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Steer Clear of the Summer 15

So you think you survived the Freshman 15? Well, meet its counterpart: the Summer 15. Though cafeteria food may be behind us, summertime has its fair share of indulgences. Be it BBQs, nightly ice-cream trips, camp food, or patio drinks (alcoholic or not), summer can be equally challenging for maintaining...

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Another year, another resolution

By Rachel Hunter Contributor January was the judgment month as New Year’s resolutions stayed at the forefront of everyone’s mind. It’s no surprise that many resolutions begin with goals towards a change in lifestyle, such as a change in diet or increasing exercise. As we move into the second month...

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