Tag: fossil fuels

Unpacking Canada’s fossil fuel industry

When the Queen’s Finance Association (QFA) hosted RBC CEO David McKay on Nov. 5, protestors stood outside Grant Hall to voice their concerns with RBC’s financing of the fossil fuel industry, particularly their subsidizing of the Line 3 pipeline expansion. Stephanie Sherman, Con-Ed ’22, is part of...

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AMS announces complete divestment from fossil fuels

The AMS has divested from all holdings in companies that produce, transport, and dispense fossil fuels, according to a statement released by the Society on Monday afternoon. The move makes the AMS the first student government in Ontario to completely divest itself of financial interest in the oil...

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Queen’s to announce Climate Action Plan

In today’s Board of Trustees meeting, Queen’s University will publicly unveil its plan to become completely carbon neutral by the year 2040. With milestone targets for 2020 and 2030, the Queen’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) is a university-wide initiative with both short-term and long-term goals,...

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Queen’s environmental group talks fossil fuel divestment

The Advisory Committee on Divestment of Fossil Fuels held its final feedback meeting on Thursday, Sept. 17, moving them closer to finalizing a report on divestment at Queen’s. The committee has held four consultation dates open for submissions from concerned individuals, with its final meeting taking...

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Visual action lends fuel to QBACC’s fire

Though Queen’s has pledged to explore the feasibility of fossil fuel divestment, Queen’s Backing Action on Climate Change (QBACC) isn’t taking the pressure off. As part of their “Responsible Investment” campaign, QBACC held a visual demonstration at the ARC on the afternoon of Feb. 12. The demonstration...

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Queen’s looks at divestment

Following a push from students and campus groups, the University has launched discussions on fossil fuel divestment. In last week’s AMS winter referendum, 4,127 students — or 73.5 per cent of voters — voted in favour of the AMS assessing the feasibility of divestment from fossil fuels from its Restricted...

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In considering divestment

The threat of climate change calls for a response from young people and the institutions that cater to them. University divestment from fossil fuel companies should be seriously considered going forward. Students at the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University...

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