Tag: free speech

Panel discussion grapples with hate speech, free speech

The past few years have seen a series of hateful incidents on Queen’s campus. A Wednesday panel discussion about free speech and hate speech cited all of them. Hosted by the Queen’s Department of Philosophy Equity Committee, the Jan. 29 event referenced 2016’s “culture party,” 2019’s anti-Semitic...

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Queen’s professors talk free speech policy

Since the Principal’s office released its final version of the Ontario government-mandated freedom of expression policy last December, students and faculty have been debating the policy. Discussions centre around the Province’s requiring post-secondary institutions to implement free speech policies...

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Principal’s Office release first draft of free speech policy

As promised, Principal Woolf’s first draft of the incoming free speech policy draws on existing University guidelines. The Principal’s Office released its first draft of the incoming Free Speech Policy on Nov. 14 to receive community feedback before the policy is finalized for the January deadline....

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Queen’s to take ‘less is more’ approach with free speech policy

The Principal’s office will use existing policies and practices to draft a stand-alone free speech policy, drawing on a “less is more” approach, Principal Daniel Woolf said at Tuesday’s Senate meeting. At the meeting, Woolf opened the floor to a discussion about the upcoming free speech policy mandated...

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An open letter to conservatives on campus

  To conservatives who identify as targets on this campus,   It’s important to be conscious of where you are situated in relation to power if you want to effectively fight for a more just society.   I apply this to myself as well and to everyone with privileges similar to ours. Being aware of the...

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Students protest Lindsay Shepherd talk

On Monday evening, roughly 30 students and supporters gathered outside Macdonald Hall to protest Lindsay Shepherd. Shepherd was a teaching assistant at Wilfrid Laurier University when she was reprimanded for showing Jordan Peterson videos in class. Peterson is a psychology professor at the University...

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Premier Ford mandates universities draft free speech protections

On Aug. 30, Premier Doug Ford announced Ontario universities must create policies protecting freedom of speech on all provincially-funded campuses. Institutions will have until Jan. 1, 2019 to enact and comply with a new free speech policy. According to the Province’s statement, the new rules must...

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Adopting a different model for campus debate

Across the country, university students are arguing more but accomplishing less.  When controversial issues hit Canadian universities, students fixate on how they affect campus free speech instead of arguing the issues themselves.  Last November, I wrote about rethinking campus controversy and the...

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The politics of a classroom

For conservative students, entering a university classroom can be like walking a political tightrope. According to some students at Queen’s,being in a tutorial where their viewpoints are in the minority can affect the comfort they feel when expressing their opinion in a classroom discussion.  Aidan...

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Why we can't censor controversial viewpoints

Universities serve to challenge our viewpoints, our ideas and our potential to learn and evolve. But when they censor individual viewpoints, they create an even bigger issue.   Jordan Peterson, a University of Toronto professor and clinical psychologist, rose to infamy last year when he posted a YouTube...

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Discouraging discussion is no way to protect free speech

Freedom of speech and the preservation of educational discourse are things that need to be protected on university campuses. However, this protection won’t come about by promoting fear and intimidation.   According to an article in The Toronto Star, University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson...

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Censored: how do we deal with hate on campus?

I’m from a small town and whenever I go home, I often end up listening to the political views of people, many of them of a different generation, that differ widely from my own. Last Thursday, I read an article in my local newspaper arguing against Muslim people having prayer time or space during school,...

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Stand up to online prejudice

Social media and the Internet give a megaphone to a lot of things that shouldn’t be said, and Islamaphobic sentiments are one of them.  Following recent stabbings at a high school in Pickering, Ontario, a popular right-wing U.S. blog posted an article entitled “Canadian Muslim Girl Goes on a Stabbing...

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Journal panel: Charlie Hebdo

Reactions to Charlie Hebdo say more about us than France By Sebastian Leck English-language reactions to the Paris shootings reveal crucial differences between our perceptions of free speech and those of French society. The inevitable flood of journalistic takes on the event — from the valorization...

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