Tag: Freedom of Speech

Context should be considered in student conduct discipline

Going after a student for breaching a student code of conduct without taking the broader social context of their comments into account is a serious misstep for any university administration. Vice-President of the Dalhousie Student Union, Masuma Khan, is facing disciplinary action from Dalhousie University...

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Context, freedom and diversity in a stratified community

Free speech isn’t a neutral or isolated topic.  As such, a discussion about freedom of speech must be contextualized with a community’s histories and culture.  In an op-ed published in The Journal a couple weeks ago, entitled “Queen’s needs freedom of speech”, the author made the assertion that to...

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Queen’s needs freedom of speech

Many North American university campuses are witnessing the rise of an alarming culture that endangers free speech by stifling those with nonconformist views. Where a university used to be a marketplace of ideas, a forum to learn by way of boundless inquiry and exposure to contrasting opinions, several...

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Every word is important, even the hurtful ones

Initially, I was pretty reluctant to write this article.  Whenever something is published that has an aura of controversy around it, the writer is bound to face backlash. Yet, the importance of publishing controversial ideas is necessary for that very reason: it creates a dialogue on the issue and...

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Queen’s fails on Campus Freedom Index

The AMS and Queen’s administration both received a failing grade in this year’s Campus Freedom Index, a report released by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF). The JCCF, which has for the past two years reviewed freedom of speech across 45 Canadian university campuses, serves to...

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