Tag: Game of Thrones

Film students predict how 'Game of Thrones' will end

On April 14, Game of Thrones’ eighth and final season will premiere on HBO, and the world will start saying goodbye to the biggest cultural juggernaut of this past decade. The Journal asked students in Queen’s Film and Media program for predictions on how GoT will end to see if campus’ resident filmmakers...

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Four Queen's alumni to receive honorary degrees this fall

This Thursday, the University announced that four honorary degrees will be distributed at convocation ceremonies this fall. Recipients include an engineer, an astronaut, a TV director, and a playwright and actor, all of whom are Queen’s alumni. Carol Ann Budd, Sci ’89, earned her degree in engineering...

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Former Queen’s student featured in an episode of Game of Thrones

In 60 seconds of fame, former Queen’s student and comedian, Steve Love, gets a finger in his backside, then beheaded, for the eighth episode of the most recent season of Game of Thrones. To him, it was the greatest day of his life. On June 12, Love, who started at Queen’s in 2011, was the subject...

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When watching TV becomes criminal

Piracy: illegal, or the cheapest way to watch movies and television shows?  Being jobless university students, most people I know don’t bother with paying for the luxury of cable. But how can they keep up with the latest episodes of the common favourite, Game of Thrones. For many of those who can’t...

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