Tag: gender equality

Men should be feminists, but not just for themselves

Anyone who considers themselves a feminist must be actively participating in dismantling misogyny in all its forms, not just those which directly impact them. This standard has to extend to men in feminism as well.   Many of the pieces I’ve read encouraging men to support feminism make their appeal...

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Ontario’s midwives deserve pay equity

The World Health Organization has declared 2020 the “year of the nurse and the midwife.” However, when it comes to midwives’ compensation in Ontario, there’s little to celebrate. The Ontario government sets the compensation structure for health care providers like doctors, nurses, and midwives. Currently,...

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Women at work weighed down by social norms

Working women suffer from the burden of traditional gendered expectations—and it’s destroying their health. A recent study by the Australian National University found that when combining time spent at work, performing household domestic labour, and caregiving, women are exceeding their “work hour-health...

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Athletics is still a man’s world

Internationally, female athletes can accomplish amazing feats—but they often fail to receive the same recognition as their male counterparts.     This inequality stems from a lack of media representation, advertising and equal pay. It’s set a similar standard for the treatment of female athletes here...

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'O Canada' lyric change is necessary for positive progress

It’s essential that, as a country, we’re able to re-evaluate who we are as time goes on. When the national anthem no longer reflects a nation, it makes perfect sense for it to be changed.  The House of Commons recently passed a private member’s bill from 2016 that will alter the national anthem. Instead...

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Gender equality in fine arts is long overdue

When I tell people my program is all-girls, they’re usually pretty confused. Enrollment for Fine Arts at Queen’s University is over 90 per cent women and my class in particular is composed of 23 girls. This is a very different demographic than what I see in museums and in most art history classes,...

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Gaels on top at historic run

At typical races, Gaels’ cross country runner Claire Sumner sprints the last few-hundred meters to the six-kilometer mark, ending her race. At the Queen’s Invitational this past weekend, she held her pace with the front pack. With two additional kilometers to go, Sumner knew she could finish strong. The...

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Take the bro out of brogrammers

Technology will always be the future, and women need to learn to be a part of it. The technology industry is a man’s world. The idea that programming should be left to the “experts” has statistically left women in the dust, with 70 per cent of the U.S. technology workforce being made up of men.  Even...

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FIFA 16 makes an overdue stride forward

Celebrating EA Sports’ inclusion of female teams in FIFA 16 is somewhat like praising a broom for sweeping: acknowledging the presence of remarkable female athletes shouldn’t have taken this long. That being said, the franchise’s decision to finally join us in the 21st century is promising for the...

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Catcalling: should it be criminal?

I asked a street harasser, “Why?” His answer was simple, but spoke volumes.  Last week, I was walking down Princess St. to work, like I do almost every day. Enjoying the sun, I heard a car slowly roll up beside me and, like almost every day, I was yelled at by a man in his car.  “Hey slut, looking...

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Riding a growing wave

147 years ago, Queen’s admitted its first female student — 35 years after it opened its doors to male students. Although the gender gap has shrunk dramatically, Queen’s female population is still defining what it means to be a woman. Today, women make up 62 per cent of undergraduates attending university,...

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