Tag: Glasgow

Exchange Diaries: The At Home Foreigner

By Cole Meagher (LifeSci ’14) Contributor My experience in Glasgow has been amazing so far and all the credit is due to the people I’ve met, both the other students here on exchange looking for new experiences and the Glaswegians themselves. Most students on exchange here are like myself; looking...

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Exchange Diaries: Through Maple Leaf Coloured Glasses

By Cole Meagher (ArtSci ’14) Contributor I have officially been living in Scotland for one month. While it feels like I’ve been here for quite some time, in reality this will only be a small portion of my exchange duration. Nevertheless, I have experienced a lot thus far and have come to appreciate...

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Exchange Diaries: First Impressions of Glasgow

By Cole Meagher (ArtSci ‘ 14) Contributor When asked why I chose to go on exchange by my friends or family, for the longest time I didn’t know what to say. I usually gave a standard response about the beauty of Europe, the opportunity for a unique experience, and that it might just very well be a...

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