Tag: Goodes

Big Data speaker series kicks off in Goodes Hall

On Tuesday evening, to kick off Queen’s 175th speaker series, IBM data analytics VP Paul Zikopoulos gave an in-depth presentation at Goodes Hall on the often-misunderstood use of ‘big data’. Big data, he explained to the crowd, consists of large data sets that can be analyzed computationally to reveal...

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Shnarped in the show

Dustin Sproat grew up in Red Deer, played hockey in England and was enlightened in Nashville. The former professional hockey player arrived in Kingston last Thursday to appear on a speakers’ panel at the ninth annual Queen’s Sports Industry Conference (QSIC). A former captain of the Princeton University...

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Inside the war room

Hunkered down in a Goodes Hall breakout room, the Houston Rockets have $21 million to spend. Four team executives huddled around a table last Saturday, knowing their basketball club had an hour to fulfill four objectives: finding a point guard, a power forward, a top defensive player and a veteran...

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Conference audibles

Like the star athletes they want to work alongside, Russell Reeves and Vaanan Thiru are game changers. They’re the co-chairs of this year’s Queen’s Sports Industry Conference (QSIC), an annual three-day event run by the Commerce Society that attracts delegates from across Ontario and speakers from...

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Coloured stairs cleaned

Engineer purpling went too far when the stairs of Goodes Hall were found dyed on the morning of December 15. Concerned with this act of vandalism, about 13 students rallied to clean the purple stairs incident on their own accord. “Having the stairs cleaned up, by engineers especially, was extremely...

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