Tag: guest

Art in Denmark

“Honour to women” were the words Sabine Wieber opened with in her talk focusing on art nouveau textiles in Skaerbaek, Denmark. Held at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC) on Wednesday, the talk was based around the development of Skaerbaek’s first weaving workshop and school. Wieber drew on a...

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Men’s Issues Awareness event sparks controversy

Hundreds of students packed into Ellis Hall auditorium Thursday night to listen to and debate Janice Fiamengo’s controversial men’s issues talk. The talk, organized by the Men’s Issues Awareness Society (MIAS), has been a cause for outcry from some members of the Queen’s community. Last week, the...

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Former Prime Minister talks policy

The Right Honourable Joe Clark, the 16th Prime Minister of Canada, came to campus this past Tuesday to give the 2014 Sheila Skelton Menzies Lecture. At the talk, Clark emphasized the need for Canada to establish more connections with the Third World. He argued it’s the only way Canada will remain...

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Nenshi talks Calgary

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi came to campus yesterday to promote Calgary as a place for Queen’s students to live and work after graduation. The event, which was held in the Biosciences Complex, was attended by approximately 100 Queen’s students and faculty. AIESEC Queen’s coordinated the event with...

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Political panel discusses scandals

Canada needs more of a watchdog media, according to a visiting CBC anchor. Adrian Harewood, a television host for CBC News Ottawa, was one of four panelists to debate the nature of scandals in Canadian politics at last night’s panel discussion, the second of four to be hosted by Politicus this semester. Founded...

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Alumnus tells students to ‘dream big’

Queen’s alumnus Alan Mallory, with his father and two siblings, became the first family to climb Mount Everest. Mallory, a part-time motivational speaker, spoke to students and University staff yesterday about the trek. Mallory, Sci ’07, uses the experience as a means to inspire others to “dream big.” Around...

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Elizabeth May criticizes

Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party of Canada, spoke at Robert Sutherland Hall yesterday on the Harper government and the muzzling of government scientists. The event, attended by around 50 people, was organized by the School of Policy Studies. The audience members, which included professors,...

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Tim Hudak talks conservative policy on campus

Conservative Party of Ontario leader Tim Hudak came to campus Wednesday as a part of early campaigning in the Kingston areas. The talk, which was attended by approximately 30 people, was organized by the Queen’s University Conservative Association. Hudak attended the event along with Kingston MPP...

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