Tag: Holidays

Relationships on a year abroad and why we don’t need them

When I arrived back in England from my first semester abroad at Queens, I was full of excitement and stories of my time here. However, I quickly found that few people really wanted to know what it was like, beyond love-life-related dinnertime chatter. My time here had been so wildly different to anything...

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Why do people care so much about Starbucks' holiday cups?

This opening line I’m about to write is one that’s been written every year for the past Winter’s: Starbucks’ latest holiday cup is once again stirring up controversy. A theory that appears to have originated from a Buzzfeed article claims this year’s Starbucks holiday cup — a company cup design tradition...

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Journal staff's worst holiday presents ever

The winter holidays can mean different things for different people.  It can mean spending time with the people you love, remembering what to be thankful for or having awkward conversations with relatives. But it also means enjoying the consumerism associated with the holidays — presents. Sometimes...

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Alternative present ideas for the gift-giving challenged

A sweater, socks, chocolate, a gift card. These are just some of the safe options for gift-giving this holiday season.  Over the holidays there’s a lot of pressure to find the perfect gifts for the people we love. It’s a time we’re supposed to express how much they mean to us, which can be daunting...

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Pass the eggnog

The holidays are finally upon us and families and groups of friends are each celebrating with their individual traditions. Pull up a chair and grab a warm beverage as Journal staff share their favourite  holiday traditions.  ***** Every Christmas Eve, my family and I feast on sushi before cozying...

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Students raise upward of $3,000 during Christmas Wish fundraiser

For someone who comforts students in their free time as a hobby, Carly Robertson is even more cheerful than usual. “I was like WHOAAAAAAAA! WOWW! That’s fast!” she wrote to The Journal.  This Christmas, Robertson — known on campus as the “Free Hugs” lady — will be receiving nearly $3,000 after a friend...

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Single bells

Being single during the holidays is one cliché I’m ready to embrace.   After several years in relationships, I’m brushing the dust off my spinster calendar, because this year is my first single Christmas. From what I’ve seen in holiday rom-coms like Love Actually — I’m in for a wild ride.  Being single...

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Holiday gift guide — all under $20

Gift giving during the holiday season can be a major source of stress and confusion. As university students, we can end up in a giant web of present giving that can be quite damaging to our wallets.  To avoid breaking the bank, here’s a complete guide to buying the perfect holiday gift that’s under...

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Keep on giving

While the gift card might be an easy solution to the endless question, “What should I get them?”, it’s actually ruining the holiday season. The so-called “Christmas game” revolves around mystery gifts hidden under the tree that you open when your name is called. It’s a surprise. But over the past...

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For sharing: Chocolate peanut butter toffee

Exams are upon us, holiday parties are looming and we could all use a pick me up. What could be better than a delicious salty and sweet treat – especially when it only takes minutes to make. The best part about this recipe is that it makes a huge batch, perfect for sharing. Toffee might seem daunting,...

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Holiday abroad in Canada

Traveling can be the perfect reward after term papers and exam studying. I remember when I was studying abroad at the castle in first year, the looming decision was whether to stay over the holiday break and travel or go back home and visit my family. I started to wonder whether traveling in Canada...

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A hunger for the holidays

During the restful, post-exam stretch of the holidays, it’s easy to be lazy and forgo making homemade treats. Take a step away from the store-bought cookies to try your hand at these classic treats with a holiday flavour. This series of holiday baked goods and drink is sure to please. By combining...

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QJAdvice: Holiday presents

Dear QJAdvice: The holidays are coming up and I’m at a loss for what to get my girlfriend. Her and I have very different budgets (she likes to spend $100+ on a present, while I have a much smaller budget.) I tried to suggest that we establish a price limit but she was against it. I’m worried...

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On campus for the holiday

Dan Rosenbaum hasn’t been home for Thanksgiving since starting at Queen’s. The men’s volleyball player will spend another holiday away from his native Hamilton for an exhibition game against the Laval Rouge et Or this weekend. “Usually a lot of guys on the team get together and get Swiss Chalet for...

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