Tag: Idle No More

QJPolitics: Demanding attention

Devastating changes to the global climate are imminent. As if this weren’t enough, humanity also faces the prospect of a crippling water crisis. These issues demand attention from those with the privilege to act. In North America, the debate over climate change has approximately three outspoken factions. The...

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Protests spark righteous anger

Last Friday, members of the First Nations, activists, environmentalists and many others held peaceful demonstrations across Canada. The Idle No More movement has swept up the nation, causing an awakening over important issues that can’t be ignored. This is no ordinary movement; Idle No More comes...

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News in brief

Idle No More rally draws large crowd The Idle No More movement arrived on campus last Friday with a rally outside of Stauffer library. The demonstration began at noon and lasted for about an hour, and at its peak it numbered around 200 attendees and curious onlookers. The rally involved banners, placards...

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Idle No More gains local following

Idle No More, the protest movement that’s been gaining ground both nationally and internationally since it began in December, will hit Queen’s this afternoon. The movement “calls on all people to join in a revolution which honors and fulfills Indigenous sovereignty which protects the land and water,”...

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