Tag: Israel

Facing anti-Semitism on campus

This article was updated on Jan.30 “This can’t be real.” Walking up to his front door in November of his third year, it was the first thing that came to Josh Granovsky’s mind. He looked down at the doorstep and saw a pumpkin with a swastika carved into it. “His initial reaction was that he must be...

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Forging my Jewish identity as a minority

As one of few Jewish people attending my Anglican high school, I was accustomed to being the centre of attention in curious rooms. While learning about the Holocaust in History class, my peers’ eyes would dart towards me before participating. When we covered Judaism in World Religions, my teacher...

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Queen’s student volunteers as medical responder in Israel

After spending the summer as a volunteer medical responder in Israel, Queen’s biochemistry student Jesse Wolfsohn knew there was nothing else he’d rather be doing.  Since 1976, Canadian emergency service Magen David Adom — which is Hebrew for “Red Star of David” — has been providing ambulance services...

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Israeli Apartheid Week divides Queen’s clubs

At the corner of University Ave. and Union St. on Tuesday, “soldiers” patted down students in a demonstration designed to imitate checkpoints run by Israeli defense forces. Students in opposition to the event, meanwhile, stood to the side to explain their discomfort and concerns.  The demonstration...

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Co-operation over strife

Mike Yeomans, ArtSci ’14 Israeli Apartheid Week just ended, but the conversation about the Israel/Palestine conflict needs to carry on. Co-operation, discussion and dialogue are the only ways in which the conflict can cease. This is seemingly harder since a total break down in communications occurred...

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Letters to the editor

Re: “In defence of statehood bid” (Oct. 4, 2011). Dear Editors, Although Omer Aziz neatly lays the burden of a failed peace process on Israel, his analysis is problematic as it fails to address some fundamental issues, such as the history of Palestinian rejectionism, most recently exemplified by the...

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In defence of statehood bid

On Friday Sept. 23, President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas handed United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon an official application for recognition of Palestine based on 1967 borders. According to a Sept. 18 BBC-GlobeScan poll, only 21 per cent of countries surveyed oppose the Palestinians’...

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