Tag: journal staff

Staff picks: Quirky Thanksgiving stories

Returning home for Thanksgiving means turkey, cool weather, and awkward family moments. The Journal’s staff recount their quirkiest holiday stories: I was at my aunt’s for Thanksgiving during second year, and my family had all had a sufficient amount to drink. We’d finished dinner, and my triplet...

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Staff Picks: Our favourite part of spring

The snow is melting, the birds are chirping, and the sun is peeking out at us from behind the clouds. This can only mean one thing: spring is finally here. Well, we might be getting a little ahead of ourselves, but it’s definitely on its way. In the meantime, we’ve compiled some of The Journal’s staff...

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Journal staff’s movie picks

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) Year-in, year-out, you’ll find me in my parent’s house, ugly crying on the sofa as Jimmy Stewart wishes a ‘Merry Christmas’ to that “old Building and Loan.” Sure, the film shows its age: you see it as soon as George is introduced as being frightened by his wife’s self-sufficient...

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Journal staff's worst holiday presents ever

The winter holidays can mean different things for different people.  It can mean spending time with the people you love, remembering what to be thankful for or having awkward conversations with relatives. But it also means enjoying the consumerism associated with the holidays — presents. Sometimes...

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The Journal staff's music picks

Do you ever see people walking around campus with their headphones in jamming out and wonder what they could be listening to? Since it isn’t really socially acceptable to stop strangers on the street and ask, we’ve compiled a list of The Journal staff’s favorite songs to listen to right now so there...

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Journal staff first kiss stories

Whether it was with your dream crush in a perfect location or the most awkward encounter at a middle school party, first kiss stories are always great to look back on and laugh about.    These are the stories of some of The Journal staff’s first kisses that they’re willing to share with  the world.   My...

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