Tag: Justin Trudeau

Taking my seat: Claiming to be a feminist is not enough

Under the leadership of Phillipe Couillard’s Liberal government, the Quebec National Assembly adopted Bill 62 in mid-October.  Bill 62 bans Quebec citizens from accessing provincial and municipal public services while having their faces covered. Even though initially the bill was only directed at...

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Justin Trudeau holds Q&A in Kingston as part of cross-country tour

When Justin Trudeau walked into Kingston City Hall on Thursday Jan. 12 under a gold-tinted spotlight, a media flurry followed his every move. But before the glitz, while the Prime Minister’s aides hurriedly set up for his appearance, one of their stories set the tone for the afternoon’s discussion.  The...

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Queen’s students protest pipeline expansion at Parliament Hill

On Monday, 99 young people were briefly detained during a protest against pipeline expansion, taking place on Parliament Hill. Among them were two Queen’s students and one Queen’s alumni.  The three detained individuals had traveled to Ottawa with 18 individuals from Queen’s and the surrounding Kingston...

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Trudeau’s Year in Review from a student’s perspective

“Sunny ways my friends, sunny ways,” said an ambitious and freshly-elected Justin Trudeau in a reference to Sir Wilfred Laurier’s famous doctrine.  A year into their first mandate, the Liberals have been busy implementing the enthusiastic agenda that Canadians were promised during the 2015 campaign...

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It’s been eight years coming

The longest, most expensive and quite possibly the most important Canadian federal election is finally over. The Leafs almost don’t suck, the Jays are in the playoffs and we’ve finally gotten rid of Harper. What a time to be alive.  I’ll preface this article by saying that I’m truly and deeply happy...

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Confront the closing of Canadian citizenship

The burgeoning Canadian identity is something to be concerned about. In comparison to the political fervour generated by Bill C-51 — the Anti-terrorism Act — Bill C-24 slipped quietly under the radar into legislation on June 20, 2014 and came into effect earlier this year.  Bill C-24 allows dual citizens...

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Boycott misses mark

Justin Trudeau’s boycott of Sun Media was misguided. Last week, the Liberal Party leader announced that he’d be boycotting the media conglomerate over an “offensive” Sun News Network segment hosted by Ezra Levant, in which Levant called Trudeau’s father — former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau...

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Boycott misses mark

Justin Trudeau’s boycott of Sun Media was misguided. Last week, the Liberal Party leader announced that he’d be boycotting the media conglomerate over an “offensive” Sun News Network segment hosted by Ezra Levant, in which Levant called Trudeau’s father – former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau...

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Evaluate policies, not bodies

Press coverage dedicated to politicians’ appearances and personalities is diverting focus from the discussion of policies and legitimate concerns. “If Justin Trudeau were a woman, would we be calling him a ‘hot babe’?” The Globe and Mail posed this question in the headline of an article published...

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More flash than substance

Justin Mathews, ArtSci ’14 Earlier this month front runner of the Liberal leadership race Justin Trudeau visited Queen’s. Speaking to an unsurprisingly packed audience, supporters young and old eagerly shared words of encouragement and praise. Yet, despite his popularity, Trudeau has thus far proven...

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QJPolitics: It's all in a name

David Hadwen is QJBlogs’ Political Columnist. He’s a fourth-year history major with a specific interest in American Politics. Follow him on Twitter @David_Hadwen. Nobody seriously doubted that Justin Trudeau would run for the leadership of the Liberal party. Now that the race is underway, few seriously...

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