Tag: Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor

Tuesday, Sept. 25 Dear Students,         We are landlords of three properties rented to Queen’s students. We have been landlords for a long time and are past Queen’s grads ourselves. You need to know that you have a voice in your community and you can make it heard in the upcoming city elections....

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Letters to the editor: November 27

RE: Castle’s future in question I’ve spent four terms at the castle, it was a second home. Family includes best friends, mentors and special people of all walks of life, so the article on the castle’s future was disheartening to read. Every name I know — among them the sharpest and most intellectual...

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Letters to the Editor

Accomodate, don’t hate Re: “Unaccomadating at York” Dear Journal Editorial Board, The Supreme Court of Canada has been clear in rejecting the creation of a “hierarchy of rights” and suggesting Charter principles dictate that a balance be reached that gives equal importance to both rights (Dagenais...

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Letters to the Editor

Sympathy for Victims Re: “Muslim students subject to hate crime” We were horrified to hear that six Muslim students — members of our Queen’s community — were victims of a recent hate-motivated attack. Such a disgusting incident is an attack on the values we all hold dear as Canadians, including the...

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Letters to the Editor

Facing Our Complicity Re: “Sign starts debate” I admit, I might have given a chuckle to the “Dads: Winter isn’t the only thing coming” sign recently posted in the Ghetto when I was an undergrad. It’s a clever play on words on a popular meme and immediately graspable to any young person who has the...

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Letters to the Editor

Research and time Re: “Leniency for limits” Dear Editors, I am writing in response to the editorial titled “Leniency for limits” that appeared in the March 22nd edition of The Journal. The editorial contains several misperceptions about the recently-revised policy on time-to-completion for graduate...

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Letters to the Editor

Defining “risky situation” Re: “Prescott censured” Dear Editors, I’d like to ask Alexander Prescott to define for us a “risky situation”. If they’re so obvious that any rape victim should have known better, this ought to be easy to answer. In the meantime, let me...

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Letters to the Editor

Prescott needs to go Re: “ASUS reps quit, Prescott censured at ASUS Special Assembly” Dear Editors, “University politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”–(attributed to) Henry Kissinger, former Harvard Professor and United States Secretary of State. Never has a truer...

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Letters to the Editor

Outcry Deserved Re: “Sex Sells” Dear Editors, I was horrified to read a condemnation of the twitterverse’s reaction to Audi’s Super Bowl commercial in Friday’s issue of the Journal (“Sex Sells”). Calling the ad “relatively harmless,” the article simultaneously put down those who protested it and told...

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Letters to the Editor

Resources and Aid available Re: “Surviving rape culture at Queen’s” Dear Editors, Thank you for printing “Surviving rape culture at Queen’s” in the February 11th issue of the Journal. The author was brave to come forward with their experiences and to start a conversation about sexual violence (and...

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Letters to the Editor

Safety in Pride Re: “Pride week undergoing expansion” Dear Editors, I would like to believe that in a university community as intellectually driven, accepting and home to such a diverse student population, that homophobia would have no place among our students here at Queen’s. However, I am...

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Letters to the Editor

Re: “Queen’s trails the rest” Dear Editors, In Tuesday’s Journal, you ran an editorial calling on Queen’s to create a co-op program similar to that of Waterloo. Queen’s already has an undergraduate internship/co-op program — QUIP (Queen’s Undergraduate Internship Program) — that serves the engineering,...

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Letters to the Editor

Re: “SciFormal policies come under fire” Dear Editors, I was disappointed in the portrayal of the conflict surrounding SciFormal hours reductions. The article quotes that “[Eric] Goldfarb, Sci’14 said the policy of reducing hours for students with on-campus jobs isn’t official and contravenes human...

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Letters to the Editor

Welcome return Re: “Homecoming to return in 2013” Dear Editors, I was happy and excited to announce in December that Queen’s Homecoming would be reinstated in the fall of 2013. But I thought it worthwhile to point out that this decision was about much more than “good student behaviour last October,”...

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Letters to the Editor

Re: “Removing barriers” Dear Editors, As the Co-Chairs of Women’s Worth Week (WWW) we feel it is important to address some errors we perceived in the article written about our initiative, published on Friday November 23rd. We felt our event was misrepresented. The article framed it as a celebration...

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Letters to the Editor

President Carter Deserves Degree Re: “Critical eye on Jimmy Carter” Dear Editors, In last week’s Queen’s Journal, alumnus Michael Shafron argued that President Jimmy Carter’s honorary degree from Queen’s University should be revoked. What followed in the pages of this newspaper was nothing less than...

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Letters to the Editor

Examining fraternities Re: “From fraternity to beyond” Dear Editors, As the AMS reviews the current ban on Greek Letter Organizations (GLOs) at Queen’s I hope they will include the alumni voice in their deliberations. As alumni, we bring a “post-campus” perspective of the value of the Queen’s community...

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Letters to the Editor

Re: “Call for change” Dear Editors, I was disappointed in the way which you oversimplified the Lance Armstrong scandal and cycling’s current situation in regards to doping and I was also alarmed at the number of factual errors in the article. Firstly USADA launched the most extensive investigation...

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Letters to the Editor

On fraternities Re: “AMS revisits fraternity ban” Dear Editors, There is a group of men in Kingston who contribute hundreds of hours of volunteer services annually. They have raised thousands of dollars for diverse charities. They have increased involvement and awareness for numerous philanthropic...

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Letters to the Editor

Assisting Professors Re: “Policy in the works for undergrad TAs” Dear Editors, The absence of a “distinctive policy” governing undergraduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) is worrying, but should come as no surprise. This is symptomatic of the same conditions that led graduate TAs to vote for unionization...

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Letters to the Editor

Re: “Ethical purchases not guaranteed” Dear Editors, Thank you for publishing such an insightful article about on-campus ethical purchasing. It reminds students so clearly of the inspiring power that students can exercise to effect necessary change, but it also highlights the need for further determined...

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editors, I’d like to congratulate you on your recent editorial titled “Twitter travesty,” which encouraged the media to focus messages on sexual assault and sexual violence towards initiatives that target perpetrators rather than victims. Student-organized events including last year’s SlutWalk...

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Letters to the editor

Re: “In defence of statehood bid” (Oct. 4, 2011). Dear Editors, Although Omer Aziz neatly lays the burden of a failed peace process on Israel, his analysis is problematic as it fails to address some fundamental issues, such as the history of Palestinian rejectionism, most recently exemplified by the...

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