Tag: Lifestyle

The funeral march of the penguins

On November 14, a virtual anti-Trump rally was held on Club Penguin. Just two months later, the Disney-owned online gaming platform announced it was shutting down for good. Coincidence? Probably. However, the closure of this virtual world heralds the end of an era. Like most of my generation, I grew...

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Food for thought: insecurity at Queen’s

Insecurity is a form of anxiety and lack of confidence that most people suffer from at one time or another. While everyone experiences it differently and at different times, it’s familiar. Food insecurity, however, is less familiar and far more difficult to cope with. The Student Experience “I’m thankful,...

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Some chilli for the chilly exam season

Exam season is coming and along with that comes the daily Stauffer grind. A student budget can only accommodate so many takeout deliveries to the library and having to sneak pizza past library security only adds to exam stress. It’s time to start packing meals and learning to meal prep. I’m by no...

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S&M: Maybe Carrie and maybe Charlotte

It feels like we only started this journey yesterday, but here we are at the close of this sexy chapter of our lives. Writing this column was never something we thought we’d be doing in our undergrad, but we’re grateful for the opportunity that The Journal gave us to get to connect with the Queen’s...

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Student start-ups: Puck App

If you can imagine the melding of Uber and Tinder, add in a game of minor league hockey and a need for a goalie, you’ll have something similar to Niki Sawni’s app, Puck App. Sawni, Comm ’13, knew he wanted to start his own business when he graduated from Queen’s. “From my day-to-day, I always think...

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Small Batch, big flavour

On the outside, Small Batch seems like nothing more than a small storefront with a bright turquoise awning, squeezed between a nail salon and a clothing store. But on the inside, the Princess Street gem is a perfect marriage of specialty coffee, local art and small town comfort.  Let’s start where...

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Cooking with grandmas

As exam season rolls around and our professors pack a year’s worth of work into the 30 days of April, there’s nothing more comforting than a home-cooked meal.  Most of us don’t have culinary-skilled adults on call throughout the year for a hug or a handhold after hour eight at Stauffer. So, here I...

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Sweet honey cookies to get full marks

Hi, my name is Kiera and I hate group projects, like really hate them.  Despite my best efforts, I still have to do a lot of them. Fortunately, I’ve discovered the key to getting full marks on participation from even the most savage of group members. Are you ready for it? It’s wild. Bring cookies....

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Student startups: 437 Swimwear

Next in our student start up series are two girls who followed their dream of starting a swimsuit business. For Hyla Nayeri and Adrien Bettio, a semester on exchange and an inspiring trip to Italy’s sunny Amalfi Coast turned into a full-blown business. When the two Queen’s students got home from exchange...

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A perfect day of tree planting

My friends and I drove through Wasaga Beach with open windows and the scent of fresh air filling the car. Green pastures, farmers markets and farm animals passed through the car windows. The day was off to a perfect start. We were excited that we’d chosen such a glorious day to plant trees, our little...

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A white guy’s take on whitewashing Death Note

As a straight, white male — also arguably known as mainstream media’s favourite demographic — I’ve never had trouble feeling represented. But an upcoming whitewashed series made me stop and think twice about how I might see myself if the imagining was all up to me.  On March 22, Netflix released the...

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Student startups: Naughty Otter Beer

Next up in our student start-up series, we’re taking a look at a group of alumni who’ve left their mark in a very spirited way. Introducing Naughty Otter Beer.  Using Queen’s as their business breeding grounds, COMM’13 graduates Cord McGee, Ryan Peterson, Donald Gawel, and ArtSci ’13 graduate Robbie...

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Swimming in sweat

Squats, weights, conditioning, diligence, and dedication, repeat. This is my story of how I went from rolling my eyes at the word crossfit to lighting up when someone says AMRAP burpees and DL.  I grew up playing every sport under the sun. It wasn’t uncommon to see me running from piano practice to...

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Have your cookie and eat it too

I’m all for treating yourself, especially when exam season is about to roll around. A little bit of comfort food goes a long way on a bad day. My personal go-to when I have three assignments, two tests and a paper due is to bake. I stress-bake. It’s a problem. I also stress-gym. Less of a problem. Protein...

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A tale as old as time, not quite retold

There’s no disputing that Disney’s 2017 live action Beauty and the Beast is beautifully crafted. The costumes, sets, music and cinematography are so detailed, it’s sometimes difficult to know where to look.  But as the film’s moral itself will tell you, appearances aren’t everything.  Plot-wise, the...

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The Best Netflix Shows to Binge-Watch Based on Your Workload

Binge-watching is one of the greatest joys that life has to offer, however, if you feel you’re floundering to fit in some much-needed TV-time on top of all your homework, or if you have more time than you know what to do with, don’t fear.  For the person with all the time in the world:  Congratulations!...

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Dating Apps: “How do I send out the right signals?”

“Dear S&M, how do I actually meet a nice boy to date on dating apps like tinder or bumble? Everyone I match with seems to only have a one-time hookup on their mind, but I’m not that kind of girl! Am I giving off the wrong signal or something?”  —You’ve got mail   Dear You’ve got mail, Like real...

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Coffee in the Northside

Price range: $$$ Coffee cup score: 4.5/5  High ceilings, lush plants and espresso with a kick — the new Melbourne-inspired café on Princess St. is a breath of fresh, caffeinated air.   Northside Espresso + Kitchen, sitting on the corner of Princess and Clergy, is nothing if not classy. The white building...

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Breaking down to hormones

Soy is one of the cheapest and easiest proteins on the market, often used as a replacement for meat by vegetarians and vegans.   But there are many claims dogging the heels of this food about it’s potential health effects.  The debate over the health benefits and adverse effects of soy products isn’t...

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Top 10 things I learned from first year

As my first year at Queen’s comes to a close, I can honestly say that my experiences living alone have made me feel ever-so-slightly more adult. While I still don’t drive on the highway, nor do I know how to do my taxes, I can fill up a laundry card like nobody’s business.  Here are some other things I’ve...

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Student start-ups: BriBakesKitchen

Kicking off our look at student start-ups is a multi-coloured baking project by Queen’s own amateur baker. While the rest of us sit around watching Cupcake Wars on the Food Network and stalking pictures of cupcakes on Instagram, Brianne Moore, ArtSci ’17 is on her way to making a business out of baking. Always...

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Breaking down misconceptions of women in Islam

Islamic Awareness Week brings together students from various faculties and groups participating in activities and presentations to bring knowledge about Islam to the student body. Opening the series of talks being held throughout the week, Chaplain Kate Johnson and Mona Rahman, a post-doctoral fellow...

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Racquet sports can save your life

When you think of fitness, what do you see?  Is it someone running in a park, someone doing yoga, someone lifting weights at the gym or someone playing sports? It may be time to think again. Forbes magazine recently rated squash as the healthiest sport in the world. Now, who would’ve thought of that? A...

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What happens in Punta…

Due to the nature of the experiences, the authors of the following stories have requested to remain anonymous. Beaches, booze and taking a break. Like grandparents flying to Florida for the winter, its become a tradition for many university graduating classes to head south in big groups to warmer...

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My iguana ate my homework

We’ve all missed a class here and there. Sometimes you’re sick, sometimes you have an assignment to finish and sometimes you fall into Lake Ontario. I spoke to a few professors and asked them to share the oddest excuses they’d ever been given by a student. Here’s what they said: “The weirdest...

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Cash me eating a sushi donut ousside

Where were you when Harambe was shot? Every year an unknown video goes viral, a new shoe line becomes popular or Snapchat develops an update that’s either loved or hated, but each is incessantly referenced regardless. Here’s looking back at the ineffable trends of 2016 and attempting to predict 2017. Pop...

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Censored: how do we deal with hate on campus?

I’m from a small town and whenever I go home, I often end up listening to the political views of people, many of them of a different generation, that differ widely from my own. Last Thursday, I read an article in my local newspaper arguing against Muslim people having prayer time or space during school,...

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Back to the basics: “How do I ask a cute guy out?”

Dear S&M:  There’s this really good-looking guy in my tutorial that I’ve been waiting to ask me out all year. He still hasn’t even though we’ve been flirting and talking all year… Should I ask him out or will that make me look weird? Do guys even like it when girls ask them out? — Sadie...

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How to make friends 101: cinnamon buns

I don’t think any smell makes me drool as much as the spicy, sweet scent of cinnamon buns. Nor do I think any food puts me in as big of a food coma.  This is the perfect time of year to learn how to make this treat — the weather is still chilly enough to make you want to curl up with your warm pastry...

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