Tag: Lifestyle

S&M: Flying Solo

“Hi S&M, can you please talk about female masturbation next? I’ve never done it before and I want to try it but I’m not really sure how to go about it and it feels overwhelming. None of my friends ever talk about it and it feels too taboo for me to just ask them. Do you have any advice for a first...

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Where's Eden?

In the biblical rhetoric often favoured by Republican America, the name Eden denotes a paradise. It’s a calm in the chaos. It’s the starting point before corruption sinks in. How apt then, that Eden was the name of a little girl at a Donald Trump rally — in April in New York. I know this because,...

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Trichotillomania: hard to pronounce, harder to talk about

When I was ten years old, my sister came home from school with head lice. As a precautionary move, my mom cut my long, glorious hair into a short bob.  I hated it, so I grew it out long again and kept it that way, refusing to have it cut beyond a simple trim.  I protected it as best I could afterwards,...

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A guide to eating with dietary restrictions in Kingston

When the Sleepless Goat Café closed last year, gluten-intolerants and vegans lost a staple. It may be rare to find alternative diet options, so we’ve assembled a list of places that cater to a variety of different diets from vegans, vegetarians and the gluten free to seafood lovers and ardent carnivores...

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My friend has a mental illness, how do I help?

At one point or another, there’s a great chance that you will know somebody struggling with a mental illness. Knowing how to help a friend is almost as important as knowing how to help yourself. It can make all the difference.  I suffered from anorexia nervosa for four years. For those of you who...

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How to survive grad school applications

With chill winds sweeping across campus and graduation on the increasingly-visible horizon, there’s only one thing left to do for many students moving on from Queen’s — begin applying to as many graduate programs, internships and jobs as you can stomach. Having completed this process last fall — I’m...

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The not-so-guilty pleasure of a rom-com done right

Although chances are I’m spending my nights off ugly-crying as Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan fall head over heels in love with each other, I’m not about to yell from the rooftops that rom-com virtuoso Nora Ephron is a genius in my books. Let’s face it — people love to hate romantic comedies. I’m not one...

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Fashion for the falling leaves

Everyone has those few things in their closet they wear all the time. Mix and match these staple items to create a fall wardrobe that turns sweater weather into a chance to show off your fashion abilities.    The In-Between: Winter is coming, but if you’re not ready to embrace the cold just yet,...

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Voices from behind the doors: John McDonald Hall

There I was in my first class of law school. I came from an undergrad where I didn’t do the readings, so I wasn’t as prepared as you should be for a law school class. We had this professor who everyone warned me about because he ‘cold-calls.’ I didn’t even know what that meant.  The second class...

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Trudeau’s Year in Review from a student’s perspective

“Sunny ways my friends, sunny ways,” said an ambitious and freshly-elected Justin Trudeau in a reference to Sir Wilfred Laurier’s famous doctrine.  A year into their first mandate, the Liberals have been busy implementing the enthusiastic agenda that Canadians were promised during the 2015 campaign...

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Anyone's an outsider

Before I was born, both my parents had separate love affairs with the city of Paris. A high school French teacher and a renown philosophy professor, the city of love had provided them a haven of amazing literature, art and food to continuously appreciate. In 2001, they both received news that for...

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The Chance for authentic creativity

Now that music is mostly free to access, listening to anything is easy. But does that mean creativity is diluted or set free?  As listeners, purchasers and fans, when we indiscriminately support — or fail to support — everything we see on the Internet, creativity gets devalued. But the example Chance...

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Apps for the oddball

You may have trouble explaining why you have some apps on your phone. But while the premise of some apps are, well, ridiculous, let me share some of my favourite apps ranging from the nonsensical to the surprisingly useful.   Drizzy Drizzy is a free keyboard you can install on your phone that allows...

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Quick advice on how to stay safe this Homecoming

When you go #Loco4Hoco this year, stay safe and make your weekend the best it can be.  1. Know your limit, drink within it. This is the first and most important tip, don’t push yourself beyond what your body can handle. If you’re not sure what your limit is, take it slow and pay attention to how you...

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Stop hitting the snooze button

The average human will sleep for one third of their lifetime. If you live for 90 years, that’s 30 years asleep.   Have you ever felt like there’s not enough time in a day for forty winks, or find yourself using the phrase, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead?”  In some cases, it would be useful to have developed...

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Ask S&M: Nervous Novice

“Dear S&M, I started seeing a new girl who I really like. She’s cool, funny and so hot and for some reason, she likes me! The only problem is that I’m not necessarily the coolest guy, and because of that I don’t really have a wide breadth of experience with women. I’m pretty new to the… bedroom…...

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Thanksgiving by the dashboard view

While other families spent the Thanksgiving weekend seated at a table, my dad and I sat together in a car and drove 3,500 kilometres. My grandparents on my father’s side were holding a family reunion in honour of both their birthdays and their 60th wedding anniversary in Edmonton during the Thanksgiving...

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Head-to-toe veganism

Whether it’s for moral, environmental, or health reasons, many people are going vegan. But while veganism is often associated with drinking soy lattes and ordering tofu instead, there’s a lot more to it than just what you eat — it’s a way of life. Whether you’re looking to change to a kinder diet...

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How to deal: going home for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It calls for a Monday of no class, lots of home cooked food and the chance to reunite with some long distance friends. While catching up with your cool aunt and destroying three servings of mashed potatoes, there may come some moments that make you long for...

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High school away from home

When I was 14, I boarded a ferry with all of my possessions packed tightly in pink Rubbermaid storage boxes in the back of my father’s truck.  It looked like something out of a movie. People were walking around the grassy fields and brick buildings in their pristine uniforms, all laughing together...

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How to give the perfect Thanksgiving toast

Every Thanksgiving, members of my family are put on the spot as we go around and give thanks, toasting to the fun, sad and exciting news of the past year. If you’re anything like me, an undergraduate student who is still attempting to avoid adulthood and responsibilities and horrified by familial...

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Fall harvest soup to keep you warm this season

As we put away our bikinis for blanket scarfs and trade days at the Pier for nights at Stauffer, autumn is upon us. With Thanksgiving around the corner, my desire for warm homemade meals is at an all time high.  This soup will keep you toasty so that you can hold off turning on that furnace for a...

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Discovering Kingston’s constellations

Have you ever seen a shooting star? Getting your wishes granted doesn’t have to be a matter of total chance. Missing a meteor shower or one of the three Supermoons left this year, can make for major disappointment when you hear about it the next day. Planning ahead to stargaze with friends can make...

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That's a wrap

Scarves are as common as falling leaves during the Autumn months. It’s easy to throw one on en-route to your 8:30 class, but if you’re in the mood to mix things up a bit, here’s some arrangement inspiration.     The Hair-wrap Channel your inner Audrey Hepburn with this modern twist.   The Poncho   Perfect...

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Paradiso pizza challenge serves up a humble pie

In grade 12, three friends and I entered a spicy wing eating contest.  We did nothing to prepare ourselves for it; we just showed up to the restaurant, sat down and told the waitress we wanted to try the challenge. The prize was a picture of your face on their “Wall of Flame,” a free meal and eternal...

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Introducing S&M

Hi there, Journal readers! Our names are S and M, and together, we are yours truly: S&M. Convenient? We know. Clever? Maybe.  We know what you’re thinking: why is there a sexual innuendo as a newspaper headline? Allow us to shed a little light for you.  S and M met on a fateful first day of university,...

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Practising mindfulness isn’t for the restless

I wish I was one of those people who could be mindful and do Yoga nidra without needing to move or wonder who’s texting me, but sadly, I’m a restless soul. Very rarely do we get a chance to lie down and do absolutely nothing. The opportunities to practice mindfulness are far and few between, so when...

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How far can $20 in food get you on campus?

Being a broke student is one thing and being a broke student who aspires to live off of more than a ramen noodle diet is another. If you’re like me, budgeting is probably not your strong suit. When I was challenged to see how long I could eat on campus with 20 dollars I was skeptical, but determined...

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The anatomy of a modern pop song

The next time you find yourself out dancing at a club, have a close listen to the blaring music.  What you’ll find is a lineup of hit tracks straight off the assembly line. In today’s monotonous musical landscape of shimmering EDM tracks, beat drops and catchy hooks, the adage “good artists...

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Reading the under-rated and under-read

Like “cool” or “art,” the term “classic literature” is notoriously indefinable. The literary canon taught in universities and reprinted countless times is full of works by authors who we’re told are great before we can decide for ourselves. After many years of feeling the pressure to read all the...

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