Tag: Lyon

Exchange Diaries: The final countdown

The final countdown is on. With two weeks to go, there’s just enough time left to cram in some last-minute sightseeing and travelling. Luckily for me (and my budget), I won’t have to go far to see one of the largest festivals in France this weekend. The Festival of Lights, which attracts over three...

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Exchange Diaries: The Canadian reputation

The French love Canada. I knew we had a fairly respectable reputation abroad, but I seem to have underestimated how positively Canadians are perceived. Take this encounter, for instance: While strolling down the Champs-Élysées in Paris this weekend, I stopped by a crêpe vendor for lunch. The vendor...

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Exchange Diaries: Reaching the halfway point

Chloe Grande is in France on exchange for the upcoming year. She will be sharing her experience as a regular contributor for QJBlogs. The halfway mark hit me hard. On Oct. 22, I realized that I only had two short months left in France. With exactly 61 days left, I still had so much to cram in. Among...

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Exchange Diaries: Campus differences

I’ve vowed to never complain about having an 8:30 a.m. class again. As luck would have it, my course schedule here in Lyon consists of four days in a row of 8 a.m. classes. Although the 30-minute time difference may not sound like much, it makes all the difference in the wee morning hours – especially...

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Exchange Diaries: Learning the local culture

Chloe Grande is in France on exchange for the upcoming year. She will be sharing her experience as a regular contributor for QJBlogs. Before I left, a typical conversation about my exchange to Lyon usually involved me repeating the name of the city several times and a lot of blank stares. I’d say...

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Exchange Diaries: Settling in for the semester

Chloe Grande is in France on exchange for the upcoming year. She will be sharing her experience as a regular contributor for QJBlogs. My anxiety levels hit a new high the day I left for France. Until then, when asked how I felt about leaving, my go-to reply was always excited. As my departure day...

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Exchange Diaries: Leaving for Lyon

Chloe Grande is in France on exchange for the upcoming year. She will be sharing her experience as a regular contributor for QJBlogs. In four months I will return from Lyon, France as a fluent French-speaking, love-struck and slightly heavier version of myself. Or so I’ve been told. Although my...

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