Tag: masculinity

Backlash over the Gillette ad is overblown

Recently, Gillette caused controversy when it launched a rebranding of its public image with the release of an ad criticizing toxic masculinity. The ad, which generated millions of views, cast a wide net, making reference to the #MeToo movement, misogyny, and the age-old adage, “Boys will be boys.”    For...

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Manliness is more than aggression and athletics

When individuals refuse to relinquish certain traditional ideas of manliness, they prop up the toxic masculinity that hurts men.  According to Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Wente, men are biologically predisposed to be aggressive, sports-loving, and anti-affectionate. They alone are leaders with...

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Debunking the myth of the Cool Girl

Rhetoric separating women based on their interests contributes to a prevalent divide between men and women that needs to be challenged. Ever since Gillian Flynn’s novel Gone Girl described the criteria for being a Cool Girl, I haven’t stopped thinking about it. The Cool Girl, according to Flynn, loves...

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The 'nice Jewish boy' trope is stereotypical and damaging

Being called a “nice Jewish boy” is often meant as a compliment. However, amid rising anti-Semitism and ever-present gender norms constricting male expression, we need to consider why a restrictive trope about Jewish men eludes criticism. The modern Jewish man is often portrayed as gentle,...

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Toxic masculinity training helps university campuses

Toxic masculinity is more than a buzzword—it’s pervasive across campuses and student organizations every day. Luckily, the University of British Columbia’s latest program makes one thing clear: It’s possible to reap the community benefits of university fraternities in a way that’s healthy and productive...

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Male mental health deserves more attention

Mental health is important to all of us. However, when it comes to males, that doesn’t seem to be the case. There’s a real lack of attention paid to men who leave their emotions unattended and unexpressed. It’s imperative that we address this issue. The most common narrative is women are overly expressive...

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The world needs better men, not more gentlemen

The age-old concept of “gentleman” describes a courteous man, specifically in his behaviour toward the opposite sex.    But in the midst of the #MeToo movement exposing men who think their power overrides sexual consent, society should integrate kindness toward women into our understanding of how...

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Confusing my tennis ability with my masculinity

I’ve played a lot of traditional roles throughout my 19 years; I’ve been the angsty tween, the hard-working high school student, the sleep-through-my-classes university student. But the one role I could never quite fit into was that of a stereotypically “masculine” man. Growing up, I was raised in...

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Let’s talk about sex

A week and a half ago, I went to hear a panel of guys talk about intimacy, sex and relationships.  I had no idea what to expect. Sex isn’t the simplest of topics to discuss — no matter your gender, sexual orientation or preference. But for the panel of guys who openly discussed their views on relationships...

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Masculinity re-defined

Darren Major, MA ’15 In Emma Watson’s recent speech to the United Nations, she asked men to join in the feminist cause. While I don’t believe men needed a formal invitation and should be already engaged in the fight for equality, many of Watson’s points touched on why men need to be engaged with feminism. She...

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Exploring indigenous masculinity

As an undergrad, McKegney, a professor in the department of English, didn’t encounter a lot of indigenous literature. As a professor, he said he hopes to enrich his students with the stories he discovered later. “I was really intrigued by a number of texts by indigenous authors that were really grappling...

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