Tag: meditation

Meditation in university can take many forms

One of the words most frequently used to describe student life at Queen’s and beyond is “stressful.” With newfound independence and never-ending responsibilities, it becomes difficult for students to find the time to focus and reduce the natural anxieties from university. Mindfulness is a daunting...

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Replace repercussions with self-reflection

The memories we have of detention shouldn’t be of boredom and anger, they should be memories of learning and self-reflection. I’m sure everyone can think of a time they got in trouble in elementary school. I remember the feeling of shame, the teacher’s paralyzing glare and my inability to listen to...

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Less drama, more dharma

Stressed? Try doing nothing. Meditation is often associated with yoga, tantra or other eastern practices, but it’s made a stunning transition to western culture since its popularization in the 1960s. The practice works by transforming the mind to create an internal environment of peacefulness and...

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Meditation room required

The creation of a meditation and prayer room in Stauffer Library is a worthwhile initiative. The space — which was previously study room 233 — was donated by the library to the Office of the Chaplain, and will be available by the December exam period for students to use for self-reflection, worship...

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Mindful meditation

Mediation offers the chance to de-stress and relax, focusing energy internally. “We see the world as fragmented,” meditation leader Rory Skelly said. “Meditation is a quiet place where you try to allow all that to settle a bit.” According to Skelly, our brains are hardwired to multi-task and focus...

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