Tag: Memoir

‘A Bite of the Apple’: Queen’s alumna discusses new memoir

Lennie Goodings, ArtSci ’76, majored in English at Queen’s before moving to the U.K. where she has spent the last 40 years working in publishing with the likes of Margaret Atwood and Maya Angelou.    While Goodings has spent most of her storied career helping other writers publish their works, her...

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Queen’s alumnus Steven Heighton discusses ‘Reaching Mithymna’

In the fall of 2015, Steven Heighton was midway through writing a fictional novel about Mediterranean refugees when the impulse struck him to take to Greece and actually do something about the crisis.  Heighton is an award-winning poet, author, and now, memoirist. He attended Queen’s University from...

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Former Journal editor talks mental health in memoir

Former Queen’s Journal editor in chief Anna Mehler Paperny’s debut memoir is a deep dive into depression and the way our society fails to address it effectively.   Her book, Hello I Want to Die Please Fix Me: Depression in the First Person, guides the reader through her personal experience with depression,...

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Therese Greenwood retraces Fort McMurray wildfire in new memoir

Three years after the Fort McMurray wildfire, local author Therese Greenwood keeps the fire alive in the minds of Canadians with her new memoir. Greenwood moved to the neighbourhood of Abasand in Fort McMurray with her husband in 2011. Five years later, they lost their home to the uncontrolled wildfire...

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Guy Simser’s poetic homecoming

After a globetrotting career with stints in the military, journalism and diplomacy, it was time for Guy Simser to come home.  His 2016 book, She Don’t Mean A Thing If She Ain’t Got That Swing, presents a memoir and poetry collection both dedicated to his wife and the wide-ranging life they spent together....

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Down Inside: a glimpse into Canadian prisons

Thousands of citizens are incarcerated in Canadian prisons every year, housed in over 200 different facilities. In his new book, Down Inside, Kingston author Robert Clark offers a glimpse into the realities of life behind these closed doors. Clark spent 30 years of his life working in different positions...

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Book review: Life lessons from Lena

Lena Dunham isn’t one to shy away from controversy. The Girls creator and actress’s first novel Not That Kind of Girl is no exception. Published in September, Dunham covers taboo topics from losing her virginity and rape to body image issues and mental health. The memoir-style novel is composed of...

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Review: I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

It’s a childhood divested of innocence. Instead of Cops and Robbers, the children play Taliban and Army. Amongst staunch critics and violent threats, education activist Malala Yousafzai reclaims a voice amongst the public realm of Pakistan through her ardent passion for girls’ education. Her memoir,...

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Grace: A Memoir

By Veronica Saroli (ArtSci ’14) Staff Writer Like its predecessor The September Issue, Grace: A Memoir by Grace Coddington can be consumed voraciously time and time again without ever getting old or tiresome. What’s so great about fashion documentaries and memoirs is that they pull back the curtain...

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