Tag: Mental

Mental illness initiatives healthy at Queen’s

As the conversation around mental illness and stigma continues, Queen’s is part of two initiatives designed to help identify sufferers of and combat stigma around mental illness. In early December, a Queen’s-specific website was launched to help students, faculty and staff recognize, respond and refer...

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Grad students raise concerns

An SGPS student advisor proposed changes to the location of their graduate counsellor among administrative offices at an open review of Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS) held last Wednesday. At the open meeting, part of a larger review of HCDS, Becky Pero suggested that the office...

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Province renews support for mental health

The Ontario government has decided to improve mental health support for post-secondary students by renewing support for the Mental Health Innovation Fund (MHIF). The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities announced last week that the government would be renewing their support for the MHIF...

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Students look to understand male mental health

After receiving a $1.7 million grant last year from Movember Canada, Queen’s students and researchers have teamed up through the Queen’s Caring Campus (QCC) project to develop an action plan that’ll raise awareness about the link between excessive substance use and mental health and illness, specifically...

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Provost releases mental health report

The University is developing a plan to expand its mental health resources on campus, according to a report released by the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health (PACMH) in June. PACMH released its first annual report since its creation in the 2013-14 school year, which evaluates the progress...

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An alternative option

From our experiences at Queen’s more than 50 years ago to what we’ve experienced in recent years, we believe that addressing mental health issues should be a priority for students and the Queen’s administration. A reliance on prescription medication to alleviate the symptoms of mental illness while...

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Men's mental health group to address substance abuse

A $1.7 million grant from Movember Canada will allow Dr. Heather Stuart, Bell Canada Mental Health and Anti-Stigma chair; Shu-Ping Chen of Public Health Services; and Terry Krupa, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, to create a campus-wide effort to improve men’s mental health relating to substance...

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How to support a friend with a mental illness

Even after recognizing the symptoms of mental illness in a friend, it isn’t always clear what steps to take next. Students are among those who are at the highest risk of having a mental disorder. The 2013 Student Health Survey Report, carried out by Queen’s Health, Counselling and Disability Services...

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Email shouldn’t mean derailment

Rachael Mostowy, ArtSci ’14 Queen’s made me cry. Most of university and, to an extent, life can be described by fluids — blood, sweat, even coffee and alcohol — but this wasn’t “I cried for an hour because I got my essay back and the mark wasn’t what I expected.” Everyone’s been there; instead, it...

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Let’s talk Bell

Bell Canada launched its “Let’s Talk” campaign on Tuesday, raising awareness and funds for mental health initiatives. Queen’s students took to Twitter to show support for the campaign. In its fourth year, Bell pledged five cents to mental health initiatives for every tweet made featuring the hashtag....

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Queen’s TALKS peer support

Last night at the Queen’s TALKS rally, Caeleb Goff shared her journey with mental illness for the first time in public. The gathering, which took place at Common Ground, was the main event of the second annual Queen’s TALKS week run by the Peer Support Centre. The campaign, which began on Monday,...

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Colour captures

Roughly a quarter of Queen’s students were diagnosed with a mental illness in 2012, a statistic that led students to rally for mental health awareness on campus. Students gathered outside of Stauffer Library on Wednesday to participate in the “1 in 4” event hosted by the Queen’s Mental Health Awareness...

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Students organize a new way to talk about mental health

According to Justin Scaini, talking about mental health shouldn’t be dull — it should be inspiring. Unleash the Noise, a student-run mental health innovation summit, co-founded by Scaini, was held this past weekend in Toronto. It looks to revolutionize the way we discuss and deal with youth mental...

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Campus groups honoured for anti-stigma efforts

A student-run anti-stigma collaboration between several campus groups took home the Queen’s Human Rights Initiative Award last week. The Queen’s Mental Health Awareness Committee (MHAC) and Peer Support Centre — both groups under the AMS Social Issues Commission — were given the award for their organization...

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Eating disorders on the rise

Eating disorders are up in Kingston, and post-secondary students make up a significant portion of the cases. The number of people seeking treatment has risen by 40 per cent in Kingston over the past three years, according to doctors at Hotel Dieu Hospital’s Adult Eating Disorder Clinic. “What we’re...

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Film examines the pursuit of happiness

The Arts and Science Undergraduate Society and Health, Counselling and Disability Services have partnered together to bring mental health to the screen. HCDS is running a screening of the film “Happy,” a 2011 documentary film directed by Academy Award nominee Roko Belic that interviews people from...

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Report released

The Principal’s Commission on Mental Health at Queen’s released its final report yesterday morning. The 53-page report, which includes 116 recommendations, follows the release of the Commission’s discussion paper in June. Since then, the members solicited further input to devise their conclusive recommendations....

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Supporting the marginalized

Katie Conway, ArtSci ’13 In September of 2011, Principal Daniel Woolf established the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health and tasked it to create a discussion paper of recommendations addressing mental health issues at Queen’s. The Commission should be commended for its approach to mental health...

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More than folders

The new mental health initiative, Green Folders, is a good step forward, but will hopefully be followed by more ambitious and effective projects. The folders, which offer a four-sided page of resources on warning signs for a variety of mental health issues, definitely help to increase awareness about...

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More than hospital beds

Eating disorders and mental illnesses are clearly issues that receive far too little funding and attention in our community. However, throwing money at the issues isn’t what’s going to solve them. In a recent article published by the National Post, Sam Rashid laments the lack of funding that is available...

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Suicide Prevention Day hits home

Yesterday marked the first observance of World Suicide Prevention Day in Kingston. The event was hosted by the Kingston branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) in Confederation Park, and was geared toward the entire community with a goal of educating and spreading the word about suicide...

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Report calls for changes

Resources for dealing with mental health on campus could be getting an overhaul in the coming years, if the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health has any say. The commission is seeking input after releasing their discussion paper on June 18. The 57-page paper, titled “Towards a Mental Health Strategy...

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'There's stigma around the word stigma'

A report from the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health won’t be released this spring as originally planned. The final report is scheduled to come out in the fall after soliciting more student input and working on a draft that’s currently in progress. The Commission was launched in September 2011...

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Donation would better serve HCDS

Bell Canada has pledged $1 million over the next five years to create a mental health and anti-stigma research chair at Queen’s. The announcement was made on Feb. 7. The $1 million is a generous donation from Bell, but it’s not likely to make a significant impact on mental wellness at Queen’s. The...

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