Tag: #MeToo

Access to controversial reads should be up to students

School administrators banning books because of their authors’ past aren’t condemning the artists’ actions—they’re taking away an opportunity for students to learn and broaden their worldview.  The #MeToo movement has recently swung the spotlight toward public figures revealed to have sexually abused...

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Point-Counterpoint: #MeToo at the ROM

The new exhibit Modernism at the Ganges at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) features the photographs of Raghubir Singh profiling everyday life on the Ganges River.  In a recent Walrus article, Singh’s exhibit was challenged after his assistant Jaishri Abichandani came forward with sexual assault allegations...

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Roundtable: Don't lose focus on #MeToo campaign

By now, we’ve most likely all seen the coming and going of the latest viral campaign. For the past few days, #MeToo has flooded Facebook feeds and taken over Twitter users’ timelines. Almost a week later, since the campaign’s revitalization most of the posts have been overwhelmed by other...

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Roundtable: #MeToo… And then what?

Sexual assault and harassment has a way of making one feel completely helpless and on their own. Thanks to the “#MeToo” campaign, people are beginning to come together, and seeing others share their experiences made me recall my own sexual assault this past summer. While on exchange in Germany, I...

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Roundtable: Impacts of the #MeToo Campaign

For many girls and boys out there, the inspiring #MeToo trend has spread a positive message across the world of social media. It’s created a sense of togetherness and community amongst victims and survivors of sexual assault or inappropriate sexual behaviour. Although we’re aware of...

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Roundtable: #MeToo is just the beginning of change

Although prevalent now, the Harvey Weinstein case isn’t the first of its kind, and neither is the #MeToo movement. Many sexual assault incidents have sparked similar movements and have amounted to little change. As a result, men must be involved in the fight for women’s rights. In the past three years,...

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