Tag: millennials

Millennials aren’t stingy, they’re saving for the future

Saving money used to be regarded as a smart practice. Now, only when millennial saving is threatening traditional consumerism, saving is being depicted as an enemy to a successful economy. A theory has emerged, according to CNBC, that “stingy” millennials are at fault for the economy’s slowed growth....

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Millennial burnout needs to cool down

In 2019, young people are capable of working many jobs and getting straight As. But when it comes to taking out garbage or shovelling driveways, they find themselves incapacitated and swamped with stress.   Stereotypes surround millennials and Gen Zs. They’re lazy, disengaged, don’t vote, and stubbornly...

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The millennial vote goes deeper than surface level politics

Despite being over two years away from the 2019 election, the debate surrounding candidates and their appeal to young Canadians already seems to revolve around who is the trendier choice. But millennial voters deserve more credit than that. According to a CBC article, millennials and Generation X...

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