Tag: Obama

QJPolitics: Drone decisions defy civil liberties

For four years, Barack Obama and his top counterterrorism advisor John Brennan met regularly. During these meetings, Obama and Brennan worked methodically through a “kill list” of men who they perceived as a threat to America’s national security. After Obama and Brennan marked someone for death,...

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QJPolitics: Out of touch in America

Sometimes American politics is downright laughable. The “fiscal cliff” debate was the latest in a series of manufactured crises which serve as the landmarks for this unfolding comedy. This most recent fiasco was preceded by last summer’s debt ceiling debate, and it will be followed by yet another...

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QJPolitics: An Obama win

David Hadwen is QJBlogs’ Political Columnist. He’s a fourth-year history major with a specific interest in American Politics. Follow him on Twitter @David_Hadwen. Tomorrow, the citizens of the US will vote to elect their president. Most predictions have Barack Obama winning the contest as he’s maintained...

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