Tag: Ontario government

Mayor hesitant to relax public drinking rules

In its 2019 budget, the Ontario government outlines provisions that could relax rules surrounding alcohol consumption. If implemented, it will be up to municipalities to decide whether alcohol can be consumed in public areas such as parks.    Despite a lack of information about which public areas...

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Shame on Doug Ford’s response to sexual violence

This signed editorial discusses sexual violence and may be triggering for some readers. The Journal uses “survivor” to refer to those who have experienced sexual violence. We acknowledge this term is not universal.  Last Wednesday at Queen’s Park, Toronto Centre district MPP Suze Morrison asked why...

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Increasing class sizes limit student success

Large classes don’t help anybody. From one-on-one teacher assistance to participation, smaller classrooms stop students from being lost in the crowd. If Ontario class sizes grow as mandated by the provincial government, student learning and comfort will diminish. Ontario Education Minister Lisa Thompson...

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Nixing Violence Against Women program derails safety

A provincial government that asserts its leadership by scrapping valuable social policies without any replacement endangers its population.    Last week, the Ontario Conservative government disbanded  the Liberal-founded Roundtable on Violence Against Women without any replacement. Since 2015, the...

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Queen’s Park catch-up: Ontario government updates

Last week, provincial lawmakers were busy debating legislation to end the five-week Ontario colleges strike. This week, Kathleen Wynne’s government enacted plans to raise the minimum wage to $15, as revised labour legislation passed Wednesday.  Ontario Liberals legislate college faculty back to work The...

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Providence goes with outpatients

In late 2013, Providence Mental Health Services announced a string of cuts to be implemented by the end of March — a reduction in the number of its beds, the removal of two wards and the elimination of 60 full-time positions. Providence Care, which runs both St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital and Providence...

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Teacher’s college lengthened

Earlier this month, the Ontario government announced sweeping changes to bachelor of education programs, but the University is in limbo as to how it will be affected. On June 5, the Ministry of Education announced that teacher’s education programs will be extended to two years, while enrolment will...

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