Student Constables and Golden Words denied fee increases in referendum

Along with the exhilaration of AMS executive and Rector elections came an unfortunate announcement for Student Constables and Golden Words staff.  The Queen’s Student Constable (StuCon) service and Golden Words were the only two groups on this year’s winter referendum to have their proposed fee increases...

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Referendum tossed out, clubs say

Behind closed doors at a special AMS assembly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 10, the assembly voted to nullify the results of the fall referendum, according to a student club chair. Leah Kelley, a co-chair of Queen’s Backing Action on Climate Change (QBACC), said the AMS informed her the referendum was...

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OPIRG launches campaign to combat sexual violence on campus

With the release of a new report on sexual assault at Queen’s on Tuesday, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) has launched a new campaign focusing on preventing sexual violence.  The campaign, titled “We Believe In A Campus Free of Sexual Violence”, kicked off on Tuesday afternoon with...

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A night of healing

This past Saturday, the Common Ground (CoGro) Coffeehouse stage welcomed students to reveal their personal struggles with depression, racism and transphobia through various art forms. On Sept. 19, students gathered in CoGro for a night of laughter, tears and unrestrained emotion as they enjoyed the...

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OPIRG lacking, sent packing

This week, the local chapter of the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) lost a referendum vote to receive an AMS opt-out fee, the second time in two years it’s been unsuccessful in this attempt. Both losses may be attributed to the fact that OPIRG has had to contend with NOPIRG, a campaign...

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Pushing for youth

The second annual OPIRG Push It Hip Hop Festival is hoping to reach out to youth in Kingston. One of the event organizers, Kevin Chen, said the group has contacted different high schools to let them know about getting involved in the event. “It’s all about youth empowerment and getting them more involved...

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Campaign an insult game

Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) will no longer collect a $4 opt-outable student fee. On Wednesday, 62 per cent of voters cast ballots against the fee that has been in place since 1992. Until now, it was successfully renewed every three years. The OPIRG fee has been a divisive campus...

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OPIRG to appeal fee

Kingston’s Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) is appealing the loss of their $4 opt-outable AMS student fee. “Sure this a loss right now but it’s also a huge opportunity and we’re going to take advantage of it,” co-ordinator Kavita Bissoondial said. “Students voiced some real concerns...

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OPIRG fee voted down in referendum

Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) will no longer collect an AMS student fee. In Wednesday’s referendum, 62 per cent of voters cast ballots against the $4 opt-outable fee. “I was just really sad,” said OPIRG Kingston co-ordinator Kavita Bissoondial. OPIRG has collected a $4 student fee...

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NOPIRG plans to stop student fee

A ‘no’ campaign has been launched against the Ontario Public Interest Research Group’s opt-outable student fee. It’s the first time in the organization’s history at Queen’s. The $4 fee has been in place since OPIRG was started at Queen’s in 1992. AMS student fees go up for renewal every three years. “The...

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OPIRG and Levana to remain in Grey House

After a month of uncertainty about their future club space, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) and the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre have been told by the AMS that they can remain in the Grey House for the next year. The groups hadn’t re-ratified as AMS clubs over the summer, and were...

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Others reallocated

In addition to the Kingston Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and EQuIP, two other student groups were removed from their Grey House space by the AMS. The Queen’s Students for Literacy club has been located in the Grey House for two decades. Director...

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Grey House groups re-ratify with AMS

Kingston Ontario Public Research Interest Group (OPIRG) and the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre re-ratified as AMS clubs on Wednesday, making them eligible for AMS club space. The groups didn’t re-ratify during the summer and were delivered a notice of removal from their space in the Grey House on Aug....

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Poor housekeeping

The safe space in the Grey House, a place that caters to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning (LGBTQ) students, is at risk. The impending evictions of the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre, Kingston Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) and the Education on Queer Issues Project...

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Grey House groups face removal

Three student groups were told they have until Sept. 30 to vacate their Grey House spaces. The Kingston Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and the Education on Queer Issues Project (EQuIP) were given notices on Aug. 29 by the AMS’s Space Allocation Committee. The...

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Fighting for Grey House

The recent AMS decision to evict several longstanding campus groups from the Grey House reflects an abuse of power and disregards the importance of both the historical and contemporary work of these groups. The decision, which came down on Aug. 29, requires the Education on Queer Issues Project (EQuIP),...

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Groups say space has historic importance

Leaving the Grey House would alter the way Kingston’s Ontario Public Research Interest Group (OPIRG), the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and the Education for Queer Issues Project (EQuIP) operate, say representatives from each group. EQuIP, a committee under the umbrella of the AMS Social Issues Commission,...

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Groups to be moved from Grey House

Three groups will be removed from their space in the Grey House, located on Bader Lane near Victoria Hall. On Aug. 29, Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and Education for Queer Issues Project (EQuIP) were informed that they would have to leave the Grey House...

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Alternative frosh weeks offer other options

Kingston’s Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) hosts an alternative Frosh Week for students who don’t necessarily identify with Queen’s culture, says coordinator Kavita Bissoondial. “The faculty frosh weeks can pull you into celebrating this history and culture that you don’t necessarily...

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