Tag: orientation

Rethinking frosh week

Frosh week sets the tone for the best four years of your life—full of fun, new friends, and new experiences.  But not for me.  It was the most underwhelming experience of my time at Queen’s so far and I felt isolated throughout my first week here. Putting it bluntly: my Frosh Week sucked—but Queen’s...

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The Journal’s guide to residence living

The first intimidating steps into residence come with dozens of tricks. Each residence hall has its own culture, complete with the traditions and history that are never covered in the University brochures. Find your residence below and learn secrets only a residence veteran would know. Chown Hall If...

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Undergraduate Orientation Review Working Group releases final report

Following a six-month consultation period with faculties and students across the board at the University, the Undergraduate Orientation Review Working Group (UORWG) released their final report on Mar. 1. The group was commissioned in August of 2017 by Principal Woolf following the Principal’s Implementation...

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University needs to do more to get rid of move-in signs

Move-in day signs in the student district have been targeting and intimidating new students for decades. While the slogans written on them have gotten less explicit, they perpetuate the same message: that at Queen’s, sexual harassment is the norm. The signs are meant to taunt students and their families...

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Several Con-Ed Teaches de-leadered prior to Orientation Week

Prior to the start of 2017 Orientation Week, several Concurrent Education faculty orientation leaders were de-leadered due to their alleged participation in a ‘hickey party.’ The tradition, practiced annually by Teaches, was brought to the attention of the Senate Orientation Activities Review Board...

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Young Gaels adjust to Queen’s

Aside from exam season, it’s hard to find a more hectic time at Queen’s than the seven-day span from move-in day to the start of classes.   First year students especially run the gauntlet during this time — they have to move in to residence, adjust to a new city and living environment, participate...

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Know your Frosh Weeks

Of course you’re excited for your Orientation Week, but how much do you know about the others?   Queen’s runs nine, unique Orientation Weeks that welcome new students each year, frosh or not. Each Orientation Week immerses students in both school and faculty tradition. Led by passionate student volunteers,...

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Reaching for the tam

Every September, first-year engineering students enthusiastically attempt to remove a tam from the top of a grease-covered pole in a pit of mud, an annual engineering Orientation Week event known as the Grease Pole.  The Journal looked into the origins of the most important player in this event,...

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Drinking violation write-ups drop in residence

Write-ups filed by dons in residence for underage drinking, open alcohol and possession of beer bottles during Orientation Week have decreased since 2012. Arig al Shaibah, assistant dean of Student Affairs, told the Journal via email that dons issued four write-ups for underage drinking, 96 for open...

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Orientation organization runs smoothly

Led by about 1,000 upper-year student leaders, approximately 5,000 students participated in Orientation Week activities last week. Undergraduate orientation is coordinated by the Orientation Roundtable (ORT), which encompasses nine undergraduate orientation committees including Arts & Science,...

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Sci '18 captures tam just shy of two-hour mark

Just under two hours after they started, Sci ’18 climbed the Grease Pole and captured the tam, improving on the previous year by five minutes. Sci ’18 reached the tam on their second attempt at the directed climb, clocking in at one hour, 59 minutes and 58 seconds. The first was cut short by a “break”...

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Welcome to Queen’s: Highlights for your first-year experience

Wondering if Queen’s was the right choice for you? Worried Western would have been better? Never fear freshmen, here is where you belong. As an incoming second-year student, I can say Queen’s has something to offer everybody. Here’s a few things you have to look forward to in your first year: Frosh...

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Queerientation brings colour to campus

Following Frosh Week, Queerientation kicked off with a splash of colour – but instead of blue, yellow and red, a rainbow welcomed the class of 2017. Queerientation, organized by Co-Chairs Shannon Watson and Mark Leonard this year, aims to promote sexual and gender diversity and inclusivity on campus...

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Frosh leaders face change

With Frosh Week in full throttle, orientation leaders are rushing to make sure all events fall into place — despite forecasts that call for thunderstorms later in the week. The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science’s highly-anticipated Grease Pole event is at risk of cancellation due to the storm...

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With great frosh comes great responsibility

As incoming first-year students settle into their rooms in residence or their own places off-campus, they take a big step. They’re adapting to a new living environment and are fostering connections with individuals they may very well spend the next four years with. Most importantly, especially throughout...

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Book brings students together

A new reading program is giving incoming students something to talk about come September. This summer, every incoming first-year student will receive a copy of Charlotte Gill’s book Eating Dirt as part of the University’s first-ever Common Reading Program. The hope, according to the Student Affairs...

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Campus concert revived

This year’s Frosh Week concert is returning to Queen’s campus following unanimous approval from Kingston city council. In a May 3 vote, city council granted the AMS a one-night exemption to a noise control bylaw which prevented on-campus concerts between 2008 and 2010. Orientation Roundtable (ORT)...

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