Tag: Parents

Bounce House grapples with grief and motherly love

Jennica Harper’s Bounce House explores the highs and lows of mother and daughter relationships with sensitivity and focus. “The mother who is gone and the daughter who is here: those are the people it’s dedicated to,” Harper said in an interview with The Journal. Harper wrote poetry about her mother...

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Thank You Letter: My attentive parents

As I approach the end of my university degree, I’m constantly filled with a huge sense of accomplishment. “In two months, I’ll be a university graduate,” I obnoxiously tell myself at least once a week. In my head, the piece of paper I’ll hold in about two months signifying my graduation will be something...

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Parental traps: How to survive a family vacation

After spending several months away from home during the school year, the prospect of living under the same roof as mom and dad for the summer can seem nightmarish to some. Add to that the promise of family vacations – where tensions often erupt and boredom can take hold – and you might be considering...

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