Tag: periods

Menstrual product pilot deserves wider implementation

In 2016, women made up just over half the population in Canada—and many of them, whether willingly or otherwise, live with monthly menstrual cycles. But despite this high proportion, products like tampons and pads remain expensive and sometimes inaccessible. In large part, this can be credited to...

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Men, we answered your questions about periods

We all know about Aunt Flo. You know, the Crimson Wave; Shark Week. That thing half the population gets, but remains a mystery to the rest. I’m talking periods — that time of the month, not the punctuation. We gave Journal men the option to submit any questions they have about menstruation. Surprisingly,...

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Fill up that menstrual cup

I got my period on the fourth of July when I was 11. Happy Independence Day to my uterus, I guess. Since then, I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on pads, panty liners and tampons. I accepted these costs as an unquestionable obligation. That was until this summer, when there was a movement against the...

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Talk about it — period

The discomfort menstruation evokes speaks to greater issues of muted conversations on health. The McGill Daily published a feature in their Oct. 27 issue titled “A Bloody Shame”, which examined the stigma surrounding menstruation and the revulsion it can inspire. Although the feature didn’t provide...

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