Tag: political correctness

Polarizing opinions block productive dialogue

After a tense and divisive online reaction to the controversial countries-themed costume party that happened last semester, I still can’t explain the reason for such polarizing conversations and I’m still not confident about what qualifies as a racist costume.  All I could really tell you was that...

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Why we need humour

We’ve become so preoccupied with being politically correct, we’re forgetting to laugh.  With the internet as their mouthpiece, I see self-proclaimed social justice warriors forbidding people from making jokes about certain topics. Hot button issues of race, gender, sexuality and religion are sacred...

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Political correctness is a two-way street

Fear of saying the wrong thing shouldn’t stop us from saying anything at all.  The Toronto Harris Institute recently took a stand against political correctness by threatening probation or dismissal of any student, staff or faculty member found to have “shouted down an opposing view”. Meanwhile, an...

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Issue 11: Darts & Laurels

Darts University of Toronto professor makes misguided remarks David Gilmour, a University of Toronto literature professor, sparked controversy with remarks he made during a recent interview with a literary magazine. Gilmour said that he only teaches books by “serious heterosexual guys” and that none...

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