Tag: rape culture

Men have a responsibility to dismantle rape culture

This article discusses sexual violence and may be triggering for some readers. The Kingston Sexual Assault Centre’s 24-hour crisis and support phone line can be reached at 613-544-6424 / 1-800-544-6424. The Centre’s online chat feature can be reached here. Rape education is often geared toward, and...

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'365 Days' is alarming, not sexy

Have you been thinking about sitting down to watch 365 Days? My advice: don’t.  The Polish film, released on Netflix earlier this summer, has become a viral sensation. It’s not difficult to see exactly how 365 Days has managed to stand out so significantly from other ‘romance’ movies on the streaming...

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Women videotaped speak out about Drunk Times Homecoming video

The Sunday after Homecoming, a video surfaced on YouTube and various Queen’s Facebook groups entitled “Drunk Times with College Girls: Queen’s Homecoming”, featuring a male in his twenties interviewing intoxicated students, particularly women. Questions included “do you have sex on the first date”...

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York professor makes call that isn't his to make

With a few glowing lines on a reference letter, a York professor lent strength to one of the most harmful attitudes faced by survivors of sexual assault. Political science professor Stephan Newman drafted a character reference for recently convicted rapist Mustafa Ururyar’s sentencing, which describes...

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Wente is wrong, wrecks and rankles

Margaret Wente’s recent column about alcohol and sexual assault had its reasonable moments, but unfortunately, these were overshadowed by the column’s many flaws. Wente argues that the easiest way to attack rape culture on university campuses is to address what she calls “booze culture” and, in particular,...

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