Tag: recipe

Hearty homemade mac and cheese recipe

When I’m stressed out, nothing consoles me like a big bowl of creamy, homemade macaroni and cheese—Kraft Dinner doesn’t cut it. This recipe is more of an indulgent treat than a weekly staple, but it never fails to pick me up when I’m down or impress those I share it with. The best part: a batch of...

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Relaxing squash soup recipe

In my experience, digging into a warm bowl of homemade soup is the best way to unwind after a busy week of school.  Shorter days and the chilly Kingston breeze are signs that autumn is closer than we’d like to think. Although we’ll soon be forced to trade our summer shorts for knitted sweaters, there...

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Smoothie recipes for the summer

Fruits, vegetables and nuts are essential to a healthy diet, and one of the most delicious ways to get your daily dose is in a smoothie. While I’m pro-smoothie year-round, the summer heat kicks my sweet tooth into overdrive. Whether I’m in a rush to get to work or enjoying a day off by the lake, whipping...

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Fast and easy monkey bread

Monkey bread is a classic recipe from Buzzfeed’s famous cooking channel Tasty, from the savory pizza version to tiny sweet cinnamon rolls. Don’t know what monkey bread is? Think of pull-apart bread on steroids made with the filling of your choice. I’ve wanted to make monkey bread for a while but couldn’t...

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Homemade pumpkin caramel poptarts

With fall just around the corner, it’s hard to let go of those summer beach days and embrace the chilly Kingston wind. We all love the thought of pumpkin pie, fall leaves and cozy sweaters but most of us don’t feel quite ready to accept that winter is coming. To help you get in the mood for the inevitable...

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Grandma Liblik's Spanakopita Recipe

Throughout the school year, it’s hard not to miss home-cooking. While we often have the luxury in the summertime of having dinner at home, we need to start preparing ourselves for when we are back in school without mom or dad to whip up our favorite meals. While we all have our family favourites,...

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Some chilli for the chilly exam season

Exam season is coming and along with that comes the daily Stauffer grind. A student budget can only accommodate so many takeout deliveries to the library and having to sneak pizza past library security only adds to exam stress. It’s time to start packing meals and learning to meal prep. I’m by no...

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Sweet honey cookies to get full marks

Hi, my name is Kiera and I hate group projects, like really hate them.  Despite my best efforts, I still have to do a lot of them. Fortunately, I’ve discovered the key to getting full marks on participation from even the most savage of group members. Are you ready for it? It’s wild. Bring cookies....

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Have your cookie and eat it too

I’m all for treating yourself, especially when exam season is about to roll around. A little bit of comfort food goes a long way on a bad day. My personal go-to when I have three assignments, two tests and a paper due is to bake. I stress-bake. It’s a problem. I also stress-gym. Less of a problem. Protein...

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How to make friends 101: cinnamon buns

I don’t think any smell makes me drool as much as the spicy, sweet scent of cinnamon buns. Nor do I think any food puts me in as big of a food coma.  This is the perfect time of year to learn how to make this treat — the weather is still chilly enough to make you want to curl up with your warm pastry...

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Valentine’s Day fudge

This fudge is also easy to customize. Use green melting chocolate for St. Patty’s Day or go Tricolour on Homecoming. Most importantly, if you’re making these for someone else, make a double batch — you’ll want some extra for yourself. These also make a great date activity because they’re quick to...

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A sweet spread

People on social media seem to love decadent spreads. From Nutella to cookie butter, last year thousands of recipes appeared on pages like Tasty and Tastemade using these popular treats. Unfortunately, you can’t live on Nutella alone. If you’re looking for a healthy DIY alternative that makes a great...

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From basic to delish with a mircowave

Eating well as a student is hard — funds are low and schedules are full. It’s easy to associate cooking with high grocery bills and wasted time. Why spend an hour in my kitchen for something I’ll eat in five minutes when I could be in Stauffer? Using a microwave, elevate your meals and take up less...

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A new cheese for the New Year

The “new year, new me” mindset is inescapable. As the gym becomes packed with resolution-ers and diets switch from Christmas feasts to healthy eats, the perfect opportunity arises to learn a few staple healthy recipes.  We all know that veggie-packed salads are good for you, but they get boring. If...

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Fall harvest soup to keep you warm this season

As we put away our bikinis for blanket scarfs and trade days at the Pier for nights at Stauffer, autumn is upon us. With Thanksgiving around the corner, my desire for warm homemade meals is at an all time high.  This soup will keep you toasty so that you can hold off turning on that furnace for a...

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Bite-sized banana bread

I have a tremendous amount of respect for people who can have only one slice of banana bread. My “slices” of banana bread consist of roughly a quarter loaf, and who really only eats one slice?  They’re cute, they’re tasty and as satisfying as an entire loaf. You could also just have one, but that’s...

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Campus Cooking: Chickpea Brownies

Bear with me here – I was skeptical too. If you’d asked me a week ago, I would’ve told you chickpeas belong nowhere NEAR brownies. Fast forward to tasting this recipe and let me tell you, I had no idea what I was missing. These are creamy, chocolatey and don’t have that “healthy” aftertaste you’d...

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Two-ingredient banana oat cookies

Exam season is here and healthy eating probably isn’t your top priority right now. Luckily, these great-tasting cookies are simple to make, and only require 20 minutes of your time. These cookies can be frozen or refrigerated for up to 10 days at a time, which makes grabbing breakfast on the go super...

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Traditional and modern bannock

With Aboriginal Awareness Week underway, there’s nothing quite like celebrating Indigenous culture with our famous bannock.  Bannock, commonly called frybread, is flat bread that’s both sweet and savoury.  The traditional version is called Kana’tarohkhòn:we, which roughly translates to “original cooked...

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Tasty taco salad

During midterm season, fitness and cooking become less of a priority, and fattening comfort food creeps its way into your diet.  Getting out of the second semester slump isn’t easy, and going cold turkey on junk food will just lead to a late-night binge. Instead, this taco salad has all of the great...

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Easy-to-make baked mac and cheese

What’s better than mac and cheese? Try baked mac and cheese. To follow are recipes that will cure stressful days, make your mouth water and keep you coming back for more. I’ve put together two recipes: one from scratch and another, a student hack made with Kraft Dinner. Both make about four servings...

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Five ways to make grilled cheese

Grilled cheese is probably one of the most popular comfort foods amongst university students. It’s easy, quick and incredibly satisfying. But how many times have you settled for the simple cheddar and white bread combo? You deserve a new twist on a classic, or maybe five. Welcome to the future of...

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Molten lava in a winter wonderland

As the air starts to cool, and the dreaded Kingston winds start to pick up, many of us find ourselves bundled up wishing for the warm summer months to return. Better yet, for the winter break to finally come packed with holiday treats.  If the blanket scarf isn’t holding you over during these cooler...

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A wicked treat

We all have that friend who shows up to a potluck with an extravagantly decorated masterpiece that puts your Pillsbury Halloween cookies to shame.    With the spookiest and sweetest holiday of the year just around the corner, it’s time you swap that pre-made Pillsbury cookie dough for a wicked new...

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Brunch on a budget

Brunch has become a ritual of sorts, especially in our student culture. We plan it methodically and deal with life’s biggest problems over the mid­morning meal. It’s the ultimate foodie experience: you show up to your favourite spot and gorge on scones, eggs and smoked salmon like it’s your day job....

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Shrimp-stuffed avocados

I’ve come across many pictures of stuffed avocado on Pinterest and Instagram, but they’ve never really explained how to make it. I finally came up with my own recipe. All the ingredients are relatively healthy, rich in protein and contain good fats. Even the butter isn’t that bad for you, if eaten...

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Vegan and gluten-free cookie dough bites

Now that 2015 has begun, many of us have set New Year’s resolutions that we may or may not keep. For some, these resolutions include changes in diet, like choosing gluten-free options or becoming vegan. These vegan, gluten-free cookie dough bites are a yummy treat that are very easy to prepare. There’s...

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Flavourful fall soup

Nothing is more comforting during the long, barren winter than a homemade soup, especially when dealing with an abundance of essays and exams. This soup will warm you up, keep you full and is quick and easy to make. Most importantly, you’ll have plenty of leftovers. This recipe can also be altered...

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