Tag: recipe

Crunchy millet muffin recipe

If food is meant to bring people together, I can think of nothing better than muffins to do the trick. The sound of the cooking timer has never failed to propel me into the kitchen and has often led to negotiations in my family about who gets to “clean up” the remaining chocolaty batter from the...

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Ultimate fully loaded baked potato soup

If you go to Queen’s, you’re well aware of the drop in temperature we are currently experiencing. In preparation for the looming winter vortex, this soup will keep you nice and warm and your taste buds happy. Making soup after a cold day on campus can be extremely comforting and can have so many...

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Chilly weather chili

With the summer-like weather we’ve been enjoying this past week, it’s hard to imagine that the days of wind and snow are quickly approaching. For most, that means staying indoors with a cup of tea and readings (okay let’s be honest, tea and Netflix). Trips to the grocery store through the ice and...

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Decadent caramel apple skillet cookie

You’ve tasted an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie before, but I can guarantee that you’ve never had one quite like this. Please allow us the pleasure of introducing you to the wonders of the skillet cookie. However, this is no ordinary skillet cookie. We’ve put our baking skills (and our waistlines)...

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Pumpkin spice latte’s BFF: Easy pumpkin muffins

Well, it’s that time of year again. As the leaves slowly start to change around campus, fall becomes the perfect opportunity to bundle up, put on some Netflix, and take advantage of the delicious fall harvest. My favourite part about fall (and every season for that matter), is the familiar scents...

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Zesty lemon squares

When life gives you lemons, make lemon squares. This tasty dessert recipe has been in my family for a long time and is a staple at our dinners. It’s so good that I always request it instead of cake on my birthday. In a world full of chocolate and vanilla flavoured desserts, a lemon-based treat is...

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On-the-go breakfast bars

It’s summer and we’re constantly surrounded by the lure of barbeques, ice cream and other amazing but not-so-good-for-you foods. I myself am guilty of consuming tasty unhealthy foods. And because of this, I’m always on the hunt for delicious healthy foods I can make. This nutritious breakfast bar...

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Maple berry granola

Maple syrup is a Canadian treat, and with Canada Day just around the corner what better way to celebrate our country’s birthday than with this delicious maple granola crunch? The options with the maple granola crunch are endless, as the recipe can be easily adjusted to accommodate any individual...

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Quinoa flake blueberry crisp

What is a long day without something sweet to eat at the end of it? This warm treat will feel like a big, comforting hug, but the blueberries will keep flavours seasonal for spring and summer. Quinoa flakes provide crunch just like oats do, but with even more protein and very little detectible difference...

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Hearty rainy day recipes

We all know that April showers bring May flowers, but in the face of endless spring rain, it can be tough to look on the bright side. The best way to cope with rainy day blues? Comfort food of course! Banana-date breakfast cookies A warm, fresh-baked treat is the perfect solution to a drizzly morning,...

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A sweet satisfaction: Grilled French Nutella

You probably have heard this at least once in your life, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it definitely is. Breakfast helps kick start your metabolism to burn more fat and helps lower the risk of indulging in high calories later on in the day. If you split the word up it...

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Cheesy Quinoa Pancakes

Sometimes you just need something simple and savoury to tide you over, and these vegetarian-friendly cheesy quinoa cakes are definitely just that. It’s a recipe that really invites substitutions and additions based on your personal preference — or whatever you have on hand in your kitchen. If you’re...

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Chicken teriyaki pasta salad

Want to impress your housemates, family or significant other with your amazing cooking skills, or at least fake it? Here’s a simple, yet visually intricate dish that will leave your guests and taste buds wanting more. As a student on a mostly Kraft Dinner diet, I had to go to the grocery store and...

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Maple bacon cookies

Maple bacon cookies are something I stumbled upon through a very fortunate accident. I was scrolling down my Instagram feed when I was turned onto a delectable picture of the cookie in question from the Toronto restaurant Bannock. While this recipe isn’t the same that the fine-dining Oliver and Bonacini...

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Easy blueberry cinnamon rolls

Reading Week may be over, but I’m not ready to sink into a studying funk just yet. This easy recipe will keep those studying blues at bay, especially with a delicious, sugary glaze and juicy blueberries oozing out of this fluffy, soft dessert! This recipe is perfect to wind down after a long day...

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Healthy PB truffles

Lately I’ve been drawn to vegan treats. Maybe it’s because I’m trying to stay on this healthy streak, but regardless of the reason, I’m glad I found some vegan recipes that will satisfy my cravings. These chocolate almond peanut butter protein truffles are actually so delicious, and I love munching...

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Two-ingredient pancakes: healthy, tasty and quick

Something about pancakes just tastes like home. They’re a treat very few of us indulge in while at school, but if the recipe is this simple and delicious, why not? These pancakes have just two ingredients: banana and eggs. You can whip them up in seconds and with no added sweetener they leave sugary...

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Comfort food: Sweet potato ginger soup

When the temperature drops and the sidewalks disappear beneath inches of ice, there is nothing as nice as a warm bowl of soup. The thing is, all the additives in canned soup probably won’t gel with your New Year’s resolution, and making soup from scratch always seemed a bit intimidating. The good...

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Peanut butter, chickpeas and chocolate chip cookie dough bites

A healthy and delicious treat, these cookie dough bites are a sweet reprieve from the post-New Year’s attempt to eat healthy by eating bland. You can indulge in these cookies without feeling guilty – particularly because of the ingredients. Chickpeas are great to add to your diet because they’re...

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Cupcake omelettes on the go

Breakfast can be a downright hassle sometimes, unless you prepare ahead of time. Create 12 mini omelettes using a muffin tin and, between snacks and breakfasts, you’ll be set for the week! All you have to do is pop one of these omelettes in the microwave for a little reheating. The instant satisfaction...

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Savoury cranberry cheese bread

With an abundance of holiday sweets around, their powers of temptation start to reach a new height. It can be a bit overwhelming to balance a helping of healthier options at this time of the year, but this recipe has you covered for a more savoury situation. The contrasting flavours alone, salty...

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Whipping up lettuce wraps

Although I do appreciate a good salad, people are surprised to hear that vegan food is delicious, diverse and healthy. It’s also inexpensive and super easy to make, which is good for those who don’t enjoy spending hours in the kitchen – or hundreds of dollars on groceries. One of my favourite...

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