Tag: Rector election

Sole rector candidate dropped out Sept. 30

On Oct. 4, the AMS office of the Secretariat announced Rector candidate, Maya Morcos has succeeded her name from the ballot prior to voting days. The rector election was set to take place on Oct. 1-2. Due to the last-minute retraction, election ballots were not sent to the student body. “On the evening...

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Rector debate to take place on Sept. 28

On Sept. 7, the AMS held its first rector info-session for interested candidates.     During the session, AMS Secretariat Laura Devenny and Chief Electoral Officer Erica Johnson led the meeting. Hosted over Zoom, a total of two students attended the session.   “The rector serves as a resource for...

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New Rector to be elected in October

The 38th Rector of Queen’s University will be elected by students in October. The Rector serves a three-year term from the date of their election and must, among other responsibilities, represent students at Senate and Board of Trustee meetings. The election of a new rector comes amidst the resignation...

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Rector candidate hopes to rebrand position

Rector candidate Sam Hiemstra, ArtSci ’21, is the sole person vying for the position this year. It’s the first time in at least 20 years the position hasn’t been contested. “The big over-the-cliff moment for me was the climate change rally that we had this year,” he said in an interview with The Journal....

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Rector election to be held in January

When the AMS gathered for its final assembly of the semester on Nov. 28, Rector Alex da Silva announced an election for a new rector will be held in January. President’s Report In his written report, Pierce addressed student concerns about Fall Reading Break. With Student Senate Caucus Chair, David...

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Alex da Silva elected 36th Rector

Alex da Silva has been voted the next University Rector for the 2018-20 term, beating out opponents Afsheen Chowdhury and Jake Roseman for the position. Da Silva will succeed Cam Yung – who has been Rector since 2016 – making her the 36th Rector in Queen’s history. Da Silva won on the third ballot...

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Cam Yung continues the Y(o)ung Rector legacy

Cam Yung had difficulty finding the right words to address his crowd of supporters after current Rector Mike Young announced that he had won the election as the 35th Queen’s Rector. “I want to thank all of you — all of you for everything because this has been amazing,” Yung, ArtSci ’16, yelled over...

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Talking Heads: What's been the hardest part of campaigning?

“All the running around and trying to reach all the students.” Cam Yung, ArtSci ’16    “Trying to reach people who aren’t engaged in elections.”  Julia Fulton, ArtSci ’17     “Carrying tables from the SLC.” Liam Dowling, ConEd ’18     “Seeing how all the candidates are coming at...

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Voting glitches unacceptable

Due to online glitches in the Oct. 25 and 26 AMS elections, some students were left wondering if their votes counted. Even after casting their ballots, some students received emails reminding them to vote; other emails told students they weren’t eligible to vote, when in fact they were. Most concerning,...

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Alumni voted in elections

Blane McPhail no longer attends Queen’s, but he voted in last week’s online elections. “I just voted for the guy with the coolest name. It was absolutely terrible, especially if my vote was the one to decide things,” McPhail said. “I was completely uninformed when I voted.” On Oct. 25, some alumni...

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Debate differentiates candidates

At Wednesday night’s rector debate, all six candidates agreed that effectively communicating with students is a priority. But each candidate has a different approach in mind. Candidates Mike Cannon, Asad Chishti, Nick Francis, Robyn Laing, David Myers and Laura Stairs fielded questions from the 65-person...

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Six candidates vie for rector role

The campaign period for a new rector started nearly two months after Nick Day resigned from the position. At AMS Assembly on Oct. 13, six candidates were approved. Mike Cannon, Asad Chishti, Nick Francis, Robyn Laing, David Myers and Laura Stairs. Each candidate had to collect 800 signatures before...

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Rector election policy revised

When students elect a rector this month, the AMS and the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) will use separate ballots for the first time. “It will be one election, that each society will facilitate … for their society,” SGPS President Jillian Burford-Grinnell said. “The voting period...

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