Tag: Relaxation

Talking Heads: How do you find balance?

“I FaceTime my mom every day.” Kelli Cole, ArtSci ’16   “Anything you’re passionate about.” Duncan White, ArtSci ’18   “I just write everything down.” Kelsey Grimes, ArtSci ’18   “Do something you love doing.” Kodie Rollan, ArtSci ’16  

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Float on

I found serenity buck-naked in a saltwater bathtub. I hadn’t been searching for any miracle stress remedy when a friend suggested we visit a flotation tank — a lightless pod in which the user floats alone in water — in the waning days of this year’s winter break. The idea had been spurred by a 2013...

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Less drama, more dharma

Stressed? Try doing nothing. Meditation is often associated with yoga, tantra or other eastern practices, but it’s made a stunning transition to western culture since its popularization in the 1960s. The practice works by transforming the mind to create an internal environment of peacefulness and...

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