Tag: resignation

Former AMS senior management staff speak to why they resigned

In September, the AMS saw three resignations from its senior management team. In an interview with The Journal, two of those former salaried AMS staff discussed their experiences on the student society. For Katie*, the workload in her senior management role was “gradually impossible,” in stark contrast...

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After sixteen years, Dean of Smith School of Business resigns

After almost two decades of running the Smith School of Business at Queen’s, David Saunders has resigned as dean. In a letter from Principal Patrick Deane circulated to Smith’s staff, faculty, and students on Oct. 15, the resignation was described as “a well-deserved administrative leave,” indicating...

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P&CC Head Manager resigns

Samantha Lall, Head Manager of P&CC, tendered her resignation early Thursday morning, marking the second year in a row the P&CC Head Manager has resigned.  This marks the fifth AMS resignation this year following Delyth Phan (Talent Acquisition Manager), Emmy Vassos (Director of Clubs), Brian...

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Vice President resigns from AMS executive

Last updated: Aug. 18 at 11:30 a.m. The AMS Vice President (Operations) Brian MacKay announced his resignation this morning in a surprise statement released by the AMS executive.  In a statement on the AMS website, the remaining AMS executive team was offered and accepted the resignation of MacKay...

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AMS Director of Clubs resigns three months into term

Last updated: Jul. 31 at 4:57 p.m. In a July 21 email to all staff, Vice-President (University Affairs) Palmer Lockridge announced that Director of Clubs Emmy Vassos will be resigning from her position, effective July 31. According to Lockridge’s statement, Vassos will be starting a Masters of Political...

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AMS to review all positions following resignations

Following a string of resignations over the past few months, the AMS executive is taking the opportunity to review the roles and responsibilities of its salaried positions. Since August, three salary staff members of the AMS have resigned.  Catherine Wright, former vice-president (university affairs),...

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Academic Affairs Commissioner resigns

Last updated: Oct. 15 at 8:21 p.m. AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner Read Leask submitted his letter of resignation to Sarah Letersky, vice president (university affairs), on Thursday afternoon. A statement from Letersky, Kyle Beaudry, vice president (operations) and AMS President Kanivanan Chinniah,...

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Provost and Deputy Provost to be transitioned out

Originally published Sept. 15, updated with comments from Laeeque Daneshmend on Sept. 21 Laeeque Daneshmend, deputy provost, has resigned from his position, according to an August 14 announcement in The Gazette. Just over a week later, the University also released details on Provost and Vice-Principal...

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Vice President resigns from AMS executive

This article was last updated at 2:10 p.m. on Aug. 13. — The AMS Vice President (University Affairs) Catherine Wright resigned this afternoon in a surprise announcement. According to a statement on the AMS’s website, Wright informed AMS Assembly Speaker Sam Anderson earlier today before she...

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Letters to the Editor

Prescott needs to go Re: “ASUS reps quit, Prescott censured at ASUS Special Assembly” Dear Editors, “University politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”–(attributed to) Henry Kissinger, former Harvard Professor and United States Secretary of State. Never has a truer...

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Letters to the Editor

Outcry Deserved Re: “Sex Sells” Dear Editors, I was horrified to read a condemnation of the twitterverse’s reaction to Audi’s Super Bowl commercial in Friday’s issue of the Journal (“Sex Sells”). Calling the ad “relatively harmless,” the article simultaneously put down those who protested it and told...

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Rector resignation planned since April

Though Nick Day resigned from his post as rector on Sept. 1, the decision to resign was made with administrators in April. A few weeks after he sent a controversial letter to Michael Ignatieff in March, Day said he received an email from University administrators. He said Principal Daniel Woolf emailed...

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Day finally over

Nick Day’s resignation as rector should have happened months ago. Day’s resignation was announced on Sept. 1, five months after an AMS campus-wide referendum showed 72 per cent of voters in favour of his removal from office. A similar referendum for the Society of Graduate and Professional Students...

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