Tag: restaurants

A guide to downtown grub hubs

Whether you’ve danced up an appetite or you’re making a trip to Princess St. solely for the food, there are plenty of places for you to grab a late night bite downtown. So if your definition of variety is switching between Little Caesars and Papa John’s, take a look at this list of five local restaurants open...

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Tipping too unstable

It’s time the archaic practice of tipping was put to rest in favour of a more stable gratuity tax. As it stands, restaurant servers in Ontario earn wages below the provincial minimum, and are dependent on tips to supplement their income. Tipping perpetuates a power imbalance within the service industry,...

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Restaurant takeover

It’s hard to ignore your cravings in downtown Kingston. Take a walk down Princess St. and your dining options will seem endless. According to Tourism Kingston, the Limestone City is host to more restaurants per capita than almost any other city in Canada. This is thanks to one of the fastest growing...

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Downtown’s natural evolution

Downtown Kingston’s tight knit community may contribute to a common myth which suggests that businesses have a high turnover rate. But according to owners, this may not necessarily be true as business turnover downtown is just a microcosm of the situation in larger retail areas. “I think that’s a...

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A new Princess Street favourite: Spin Dessert Café

By Megan Cui Contributor Already a veteran of the dessert-café game, Spin Dessert found a new home on 260 Princess St. for the delicious fare and urban chic aesthetics of its original Toronto venue. A little different from its neighbor’s traditional design scheme, Spin’s most attractive feature is...

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