Tag: safe sex

QJSex: Internal Condoms

If you’ve read this blog before, or received decent sex education in high school, you’re likely familiar with condoms. However, the typical condom that covers a penis or phallus isn’t the only kind of condom out there! These condoms can be referred to as ‘external condoms’ because there are also ‘internal...

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QJSex: Do you know all 10 steps?

Condoms really are a marvelous invention. When used properly, they are highly effective at preventing pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you’re thinking “Wait, hold up, I know plenty of people who have gotten pregnant/an STI and they were using condoms! What...

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QJSex: Spermicides

Condoms, hormonal birth control, and abstinence are the most often promoted methods for preventing pregnancy, but spermicides aren’t discussed nearly as much. This is partially because spermicides aren’t the best choice for everyone. However, they might be a good choice for you as a backup method...

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