Tag: Sexual Assault

Is Harvey Weinstein the final straw for sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is something that’s sadly been somewhat normalized in our culture —catcalling, sexist comments and inappropriate touching is engrained and often overlooked in society.   Over the past few weeks we’ve been shown just how prevalent this behaviour is, in Hollywood, and in our own lives.   The...

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Sexual assault a decisive issue in Uber-KATC dispute

The Kingston Area Taxi Commission (KATC) recently proposed draft bylaws that aim to heavily regulate Uber. The bylaws have heightened conflict between the two organizations, particularly dividing them on the issue of sexual assaults committed by Uber drivers against passengers. The Uber-taxi conflict...

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Poor attention span for issues on campus

Hey Queen’s, I think it’s time we talk about our attention span issue. In the past year alone, we’ve forgotten an unacceptable number of incidents that at one point were major sources of disappointment or outrage. You likely already know what I’m talking about, but for the sake of clarity let me provide...

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Five hundred and eighty eight days

This article talks about sexual assault and may be triggering for some readers. Early last week as I walked through the University District on move-in day, I began noticing bedsheets hanging from my peers’ houses. With obscene phrases and degrading messages on the signs, I was brought back to 588...

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Discouraged to report in the midst of recovery

This article talks about sexual assault and may be triggering for some readers.   The first time I was asked if I wanted to press charges, I sat in a social worker’s office in Kingston General Hospital.    In that moment, I could imagine police at my door, unwanted attention from my neighbours, friends...

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Ambrose’s ‘parting gift’ long overdue for Canadians

Canadian judges, both future and current, need an updated education on sexual assault law if they are going to preside over cases. The former Conservative interim leader Rona Ambrose resigned one day after her sexual assault bill passed unanimously. The bill mandates compulsory sexual assault law...

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Fighting for control in reporting sexual assault

In March of 2015, one Queen’s student found out that the man she was preparing to go to trial against for sexually assaulting her had been elected to the University Senate, one of Queen’s highest governing bodies. The student, who can’t be identified due to a court publication ban, emailed her advisor...

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Winter break news roundup

While campus saw a mass exodus for winter break, the University, Kingston Police and national funding groups chugged along with new developments.  Here’s what you missed while lighting the menorah, carving up a turkey, singing a carol or just taking a break from the books: Principal’s Implementation...

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Former BISC students discuss incidents of sexual misconduct

Every year, over 5,000 km away from Queen’s main campus in Herstmonceux, England, more than a hundred first year students begin their studies at Queen’s Bader International Study Center (BISC) with the same excitement as any first year students. During the 2014-15 academic year, however, the first...

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Campus Catch-Up

Laval University: Security tightened after reports of sexual assault Quebec City police are currently investigating four separate incidents at Laval University for breaking and entering, two of which include complaints of sexual touching. The suspect in question is believed to be in his twenties,...

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York professor makes call that isn't his to make

With a few glowing lines on a reference letter, a York professor lent strength to one of the most harmful attitudes faced by survivors of sexual assault. Political science professor Stephan Newman drafted a character reference for recently convicted rapist Mustafa Ururyar’s sentencing, which describes...

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‘No means yes’ response from Western inappropriate

Rape culture on university campuses consists of much more than the act of sexual assault. But when “No means yes and yes means anal,” appeared on a Western student’s off-campus home, the immediate response was to write it off. The words, which were written on a window on a house near Western’s main...

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Being the one in four

It’s a typical university party, with alcohol, loud music and friends. One privileged white male and one unconscious girl. The scene I’m referring to sounds a lot like the case of former Stanford student Brock Turner, who was recently convicted of three counts of felony sexual assault.  Judge Aaron...

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Universities must educate to protect

I’d always known that coming to Queen’s warranted more responsibility.   Things like waking up in the morning without the help of my mother or making healthy eating choices, I expected. But coming from a country and a neighborhood where sexual assaults are a rare occurrence, I didn’t realize that...

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Campus catch-up: Sexual assault at UBC

Students at the University of British Columbia were shaken this Friday by news of another sexual assault on their campus after a year of sexual assault controversies. A string of assaults occurred at UBC in 2013, according to a CBC report, with several of these incidents involving the same assailant. The...

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New sexual assault policy only the beginning

Talk of amending parts of the new sexual violence policy has begun just a week after the Queen’s Board of Trustees approved the document. Provost Alan Harrison says the passage of the Ontario Sexual Violence and Harassment Plan Act may lead to amendments to the policy, while Rector Mike Young has...

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Province mandates Ontario campuses to adopt sexual assault policies

Just four days after Queen’s approved its sexual assault policy, the Ontario government passed new sexual violence legislation mandating that all Ontario college and universities create separate sexual assault policies. On Tuesday, the Ontario government passed Bill 132, the Sexual Violence and Harassment...

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Board of Trustees set to approve sexual violence policy

After over a year of consultation since implementing an interim sexual assault protocol in January 2015, the Queen’s Board of Trustees meets this evening with a full policy set for approval. The open session of the meeting begins at 7 p.m in the Peter Lougheed Room in Richardson Hall, where the Board...

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The Waiting Game

On Canadian campuses, the clock has been ticking on sexual assault responses for a year and a half and counting.  In November 2014, a Toronto Star investigation revealed that only nine out of 102 Canadian universities and colleges had sexual assault or sexual violence policies in place. The Star called...

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What Kesha’s case means for sexual assault survivors

Last week, in the midst of a lengthy legal battle, singer Kesha was denied a court injunction that would release her from working with the man she says “sexually, physically, verbally, and emotionally” abused her. For those who haven’t been following the case, Kesha has been fighting to get out of...

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New draft of sexual assault policy to be released this month

After an almost five-month hiatus in public announcements, Provost Alan Harrison has set deadlines for the final steps of the Queen’s sexual assault policy.  The last announcement from Queen’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Working Group (SAPRWG) — the group tasked with the implementation...

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OPIRG launches campaign to combat sexual violence on campus

With the release of a new report on sexual assault at Queen’s on Tuesday, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) has launched a new campaign focusing on preventing sexual violence.  The campaign, titled “We Believe In A Campus Free of Sexual Violence”, kicked off on Tuesday afternoon with...

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How to help a loved one who’s experienced sexual assault

Q: Recently, a friend told me that they think they may have been sexually assaulted. I had no idea what to say. What is the best thing to do when this happens? A: Excellent question. When someone discloses a sexual assault, it can be very difficult to know how to respond. But there’s system that can...

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Taking back the night

“Consent is sexy” was one of the many messages on signs held up on Thursday night at the annual Take Back the Night rally. Approximately 70 people marched and rallied from Confederation Park down Princess Street in protest of sexual violence.  “It’s not something we should have to fight for. Not every...

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Students attend sexual assault talk by survivor

Two days after arriving at Queen’s, all first-year students attended a talk by educator and activist Rachel Griffin on sexual assault. Dr. Griffin is an associate professor in the department of Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University and a survivor of sexual assault herself. The event,...

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