Tag: sexual harassment

We need to start taking gendered micro-aggressions seriously

By now, it should be common knowledge that rape and misogynist culture lives on a spectrum not only including the worst, most violent actions, but micro-aggressions as well.   This weekend, I watched the movie Moxie, and there was one line that stuck with me, even though the rest of the movie drops...

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Can we stop policing women’s bodies already?

Last week, Kori Sidaway, a B.C. news anchor, received a harassing email about her appearance during a broadcast. The viewer shamed her for wearing a shirt that showed a hint of cleavage, dubbing themselves “The Vancouver Cleavage Patrol.” While female journalists are no strangers to disproportionate...

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Student details incident of sexual harassment in Stauffer Library

Around 11 p.m. on Friday in Stauffer Library, a female student and her friend were disrupted from their studies when a male sexually harassed them. On Feb. 28, Erin Moffatt, ArtSci ’20, “trusted her gut” and called campus security after a man approached her and a friend at a library table, bringing...

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The Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey, by the numbers

During the winter of 2018, more than 100,000 Ontario students completed a survey about sexual violence. A year later, the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities published a summary report of the results. Along with students from 19 other universities in the province, Queen’s students responded...

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Queen’s unchecked sexual violence culture only spreads

This editorial discusses sexual assault and may be triggering for some readers.   When it comes to combatting sexual violence and harassment on campus, Queen’s is lagging.   In a province-wide survey, 71.4 per cent of participating Queen’s students disclosed sexual harassment during their time at...

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Alum’s online course addresses workplace sexual harassment

For Bay Ryley, ArtSci ’93, MA ’96, a safe workplace can start online. She’s developed online training which addresses sexual harassment in a professional environment. The initiative, Ryley Learning, can be used to educate employees on how to prevent, identify, and report misconduct.  Now a Toronto-based...

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Protecting students should be more of a priority

Sexual violence comes in many forms. Just because one may appear to be more severe than others doesn’t mean those others can be allowed. When it comes to teachers sexually abusing students, current Ontario policies aren’t aligned with this argument.  The Protecting Students Act previously only encompassed...

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University needs to do more to get rid of move-in signs

Move-in day signs in the student district have been targeting and intimidating new students for decades. While the slogans written on them have gotten less explicit, they perpetuate the same message: that at Queen’s, sexual harassment is the norm. The signs are meant to taunt students and their families...

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Former BISC students discuss incidents of sexual misconduct

Every year, over 5,000 km away from Queen’s main campus in Herstmonceux, England, more than a hundred first year students begin their studies at Queen’s Bader International Study Center (BISC) with the same excitement as any first year students. During the 2014-15 academic year, however, the first...

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Journalist, not judge

When Erin Andrews was secretly filmed while undressing, she became the victim in the scenario. So why does the media treat her like a criminal?  Erin Andrews, a sportscaster for ESPN, was filmed through a peephole in her hotel room by a stalker, Michael David Barrett, who then posted the footage online...

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In her shoes

As a man, I’ll never fully comprehend what it’s like to be a woman. But after a night of dressing in full drag, I gained much needed insight on the sexism and sexual harassment that many women face.  When it comes to dressing up for Halloween, I’ve developed a reputation for pulling out all the stops. This...

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Catcalling: should it be criminal?

I asked a street harasser, “Why?” His answer was simple, but spoke volumes.  Last week, I was walking down Princess St. to work, like I do almost every day. Enjoying the sun, I heard a car slowly roll up beside me and, like almost every day, I was yelled at by a man in his car.  “Hey slut, looking...

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Safer policy needed

New harassment policies and education are needed in the wake of recent events at Dalhousie University. Thirteen male Dalhousie dentistry students were suspended indefinitely from clinical activities earlier this month after Facebook posts with violent sexual content were leaked. Some comments contemplated...

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Queen’s has failed sexual assault survivors

Queen’s administration should be condemned for lacking an official policy for handling sexual assaults on campus. Currently, if a student wishes to file a sexual assault case with the University, their only option is the Human Rights Office (HRO), which treats instances of sexual assault as sexual...

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Sexual assault at Queen's

SPECIAL REPORT: Sexual assault at Queen’s. In 2013, 2.1 per cent of Queen’s students surveyed by HCDS reported that they were sexually penetrated without their consent in the past year. That year, Campus Security received just one report of sexual assault. The Kingston Sexual Assault Centre estimates...

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You’re no Swift, Gazette

Western’s student newspaper showed an incredible lack of judgment in publishing a series of offensive stories last month. In their annual frosh issue, the Western Gazette published articles that encouraged the sexual harassment of teaching assistants, drug use and excessive drinking, causing a wave...

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