Tag: sexual health

Living with a sexual dysfunction at Queen’s

Editors’ Note: The author has been granted anonymity to allow them to share their story with a sense of personal security. At the end of my third year of undergrad, I was diagnosed with vulvodynia, a form of sexual dysfunction which makes vaginal penetration extremely painful. Working through this...

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Everything you need to know about pap smears

Are you a person with a cervix who’s 21 or older and has been sexually active in the past? If you didn’t know already, you’re due for a pap smear. The term ‘pap smear’ may sound strange, but it’s a routine procedure, also called a cervical exam, and avoiding it could mean missing some important warning...

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Young Canadians deserve better access to birth control

Inaccessibility of contraceptives should not be an obstacle facing Canadian youth in their pursuit of protection against unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).   In a recent position statement, the Canadian Paediatric Society called for all forms of contraceptives to be...

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New condom dispensers on the way

The Sexual Health Resource Centre is installing new condom dispensers on campus in an effort to promote safer sex. Dispensers will be placed in the washrooms in the Upper Celidh of the JDUC, just outside of the Queen’s Pub. The dispensers in the washrooms in Alfie’s Pub will also be replaced. SHRC...

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QJSex: Condoms: one size doesn't fit all

A frequent complaint of condoms is that “they just don’t feel right”. If this is the case for you, don’t abandon the idea of condoms yet, it might just be that you haven’t found a condom that fits you correctly yet! You wouldn’t stop wearing pants altogether because they were a little too tight or...

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