Tag: sexual violence

Social advocacy extends from playlist to poster

What do XXXTentacion and Chuck Close have in common? Not only have they both been accused of sexual violence, but both have devoted fans who continue to consume their work. Actions matter. Buying into art created by harmful people legitimizes the behaviour of the artist. Advocating for those impacted...

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Protecting students should be more of a priority

Sexual violence comes in many forms. Just because one may appear to be more severe than others doesn’t mean those others can be allowed. When it comes to teachers sexually abusing students, current Ontario policies aren’t aligned with this argument.  The Protecting Students Act previously only encompassed...

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Although well intentioned, #MeToo needs to refocus

While #MeToo is currently trending and well intentioned, it isn’t doing anything radically different than the hashtags that have come before it. The focus of this Twitter campaign is put on survivors or victims, potentially re-traumatizing them while ignoring the perpetrators who have inflicted this...

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Take Back the Night in photos

Take Back the Night is an event and non-profit organization committed to ending sexual, relationship and domestic violence internationally. Hundreds of events are held in over 30 countries annually – this Thursday, Kingstonians gathered at Confederation Basin to support the organization. Take Back...

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Bystander Intervention Training Program set to expand this year

Since its inception in 2015, the Bystander Intervention training program has grown and thrived on campus. Under the leadership of Lea Keren, the program is set to expand even further. The Bystander Intervention Training Program was established out of recommendations from the Sexual Violence Prevention...

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Keren and Prescott resign

After 72 hours of fervor over a decision by the incoming AMS Assembly to elect Alexander Prescott as their Speaker, both Prescott and Commissioner of Social Issues Lea Keren tendered their resignations to the AMS on Wednesday.  April 2  On Sunday evening, incoming members of Assembly and ex-officio...

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Team JBP issues statement cancelling Emergency Assembly

Less than 20 minutes after issuing a public statement cancelling an Emergency Assembly meeting set for Tuesday evening — intended to facilitate a discussion and re-vote for the Speaker role given to Alexander Prescott days prior — President-elect Jenn Li and Vice President (Operations)-elect Brian...

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Former BISC students discuss incidents of sexual misconduct

Every year, over 5,000 km away from Queen’s main campus in Herstmonceux, England, more than a hundred first year students begin their studies at Queen’s Bader International Study Center (BISC) with the same excitement as any first year students. During the 2014-15 academic year, however, the first...

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Gummo named as 2017 Rhodes Scholar

“Policy interests me as a tool for change,” Claire Gummo, ArtSci ’16, said.  For Gummo, the statement has been backed by extensive experience. A politics major with a minor in gender studies, the last four years have been a practice ground for her experience in shaping policy for the University. Now,...

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Queen’s releases updated Sexual Violence Policy for feedback

This Thursday, the University released a 17-page updated draft of its university-wide sexual violence policy, which was approved and put into place in March of this year by Queen’s Board of Trustees. The new draft tackles some of the more ambiguous concepts like consent, confidentiality and reporting...

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Women videotaped speak out about Drunk Times Homecoming video

The Sunday after Homecoming, a video surfaced on YouTube and various Queen’s Facebook groups entitled “Drunk Times with College Girls: Queen’s Homecoming”, featuring a male in his twenties interviewing intoxicated students, particularly women. Questions included “do you have sex on the first date”...

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Take Back the Night 2016 in photos

On Thursday evening in Confederation Park, the skies threatened to pour, but no amount of rain could silence the voices of a community gathered to “Take Back the Night” from a culture of sexual violence. Taking to the streets, amidst the chant of the crowd, survivors and supporters alike told their...

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Province mandates Ontario campuses to adopt sexual assault policies

Just four days after Queen’s approved its sexual assault policy, the Ontario government passed new sexual violence legislation mandating that all Ontario college and universities create separate sexual assault policies. On Tuesday, the Ontario government passed Bill 132, the Sexual Violence and Harassment...

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