Tag: Sexuality

Celebrities don’t owe us an explanation of their sexuality

Celebrities like Harry Styles and Taylor Swift have long been accused of queerbaiting, embracing gender fluidity without being openly queer. While it’s true these celebrities might profit off questions surrounding their sexuality, we must avoid policing people’s sexuality. Harry Styles is known for...

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S&M: Maybe Carrie and maybe Charlotte

It feels like we only started this journey yesterday, but here we are at the close of this sexy chapter of our lives. Writing this column was never something we thought we’d be doing in our undergrad, but we’re grateful for the opportunity that The Journal gave us to get to connect with the Queen’s...

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Dating Apps: “How do I send out the right signals?”

“Dear S&M, how do I actually meet a nice boy to date on dating apps like tinder or bumble? Everyone I match with seems to only have a one-time hookup on their mind, but I’m not that kind of girl! Am I giving off the wrong signal or something?”  —You’ve got mail   Dear You’ve got mail, Like real...

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Sexuality x Disability Summit first of its kind on Queen’s campus

It isn’t often that pornography is shown to attendees of a Queen’s conference. Equally rare is the discussion of pornography as a transformative art form. But at the Sexuality x Disability Summit on Feb. 27, the sex lives of disabled individuals were discussed openly to combat ableist stigma and assumptions. The...

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Re:Vers-ing sexual relationship norms

Amidst the hot summer months, a handful of Queen’s students banded together to start a riot — more specifically, the Riot Theatre company. Riot Theatre, a workshop-focused theatre company that produces student-written pieces — poetry, plays, storytelling or other creative pieces — opened their first...

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Fair promotes diversity

This past Tuesday evening saw the return of the Gender and Sexual Diversity Resource Fair in Grant Hall. The event, organized by student group Queen’s Pride, welcomed all students on and off campus to engage with LGBTTIQQ2SA and feminist-related groups. There were about a dozen groups in attendance...

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Shimmying to the beat of beauty

I was surprised to feel so confident while being so uncoordinated. A Middle Eastern folk tradition, belly dance has gotten a bad rap for being a sexualized form of dance — a misconception that Karen Phillips, a belly dance instructor at Nobody’s Watching Dance Studio, encounters often. “It’s alluring...

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