Tag: shelters

Kingston leaves homeless women in the cold

A person sleeping on a bench or asking for change doesn’t capture the full scope of homelessness. It’s largely an invisible issue, spread over rural and urban areas alike and often masked by persistent stereotypes.    But this vulnerability persists for a variety of reasons, especially for women in...

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City not sleeping on shelter issue

In order to reduce homelessness and focus on permanent housing, the City of Kingston is cutting shelter beds. On March 14, the City released a public notice stating their plan to reduce homelessness through the implementation of a 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan. Over the next three years, shelters...

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Clubs on campus: Queen's Soul Food

On a typical night, it takes less than 30 minutes – sometimes 15 minutes – for shelters around Kingston to have trays of unconsumed food delivered from Queen’s cafeterias. Soul Food, comprised of an 11-member executive team, organizes the delivery logistics and picks up leftover food from all three...

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On the outside looking in

Eleven years ago, Scott fell off a 12-storey roof. It happened in London, Ont., where he’d taken a covert roofing job to compensate for a lack of hours and pay with a landscaping company. He survived the plummet, but shattered his entire left ribcage, smashed his solar plexus and cracked his left...

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